What did you name your irl pet(s)?!

Cats vs Dogs

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My cat's name is Binx, after Thackery Binx from Hocus Pocus the Disney film. I just loved that movie growing up and still do to this day. My cat is a girl and not a boy tho. Binxy Boopers ftw...

thachary binx.jpg


...What are your names for your pet(s)?!
I had 5 cats during majority of my life span, (1 since I was in High-school, another one in 2nd year Uni, and 2 in last year of Uni. And last one was like 5 months ago.) all of them died due to unknown causes like a month after I got them. Since then I refuse to have a pet.
-1st was Milton
-2nd was Hamilton
-3rd was Clinton
-4th was Simpson
-5th was Willson
Im not really creative when naming stuff.
I had 5 cats during majority of my life span, (1 since I was in High-school, another one in 2nd year Uni, and 2 in last year of Uni. And last one was like 5 months ago.) all of them died due to unknown causes like a month after I got them. Since then I refuse to have a pet.
-1st was Milton
-2nd was Hamilton
-3rd was Clinton
-4th was Simpson
-5th was Willson
Im not really creative when naming stuff.

RIP above to the fallen kitties... Clinton is my fav name out of the list! I grew up disliking cats but the woman I slowed down in life with came with a black cat named Binx soo...
I had 2 great danes growing up and just recently got another one! It sucks they don't live that long because they are awesome dogs.. I waited awhile after my 2nd dane passed away and decided I wanted another one who I've had since November 2021.
Here are their names in order:
I had 2 great danes growing up and just recently got another one! It sucks they don't live that long because they are awesome dogs.. I waited awhile after my 2nd dane passed away and decided I wanted another one who I've had since November 2021.
Here are their names in order:

RIP above to the fallen poochies... Yelling the name Hank brings me joy lol i just tried haha.
I had one cat for a year an always jus called him Lil Guy, then I got another kitten so he became Lil Guy an the first became Big Guy. Now Lil Guy has grown to be bigger than Big Guy so they might change again

Thats my doggies. First one - Mickey, my current small boy and the second one - Lilo, my first pug. Sadly she passed away 1 year ago.

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