What did you loot today?=)

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I was looking forward to DF being available because of the backpack transmogs, so I can RP as what I really am: a filthy casual. :D Yesterday I looted all the transmog treasures of Amirdrassil, and to my desperation, only the backpack transmogs have lvl requirements: https://www.wowhead.com/item=213005/blue-kaldorei-backpack and https://www.wowhead.com/item=213003/blue-kaldorei-bedroll PressF Are there any backpack transmogs that are available for a pure f2p? (edit: aside from https://www.wowhead.com/item=221816/halfhill-farmers-backpack)
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While farming for my socket ring, I got Deathcharger's Reins for the first time in my life. And then got another one (in bag). And a third one (loot window). I am sure no one noticed you can't have more than 1 Deathcharger's Reins in their bag because well, why would you keep farming, right?


P.P. Thats on less than 60 kills btw
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