What class?

Hunters are OP, and he said he does not want anything OP, and rogues can do fine, especially with acess to shadowfangs, one could completely obliterate the other teams healers with sprint and SS spam and kick, if you don't calll removing the opposing team's healers helpful, you smoke.

smoking doesnt make people dumb. please dont say things like that. if he rolls a rogue as his first twink hes going to hate it.
Supadrood said:
smoking doesnt make people dumb

They're dumb already for starting.
Porksoda said:
I thought a lot was nine words...

Don't forget to take YOU'RE meds before you post :p

"Do not forget to you are meds before you post"

Nice, man. :3

If you are new to 19s, imho, roll a Shaman or a Druid, preferably a glass cannon if you have a massive epeen, or an FC/Support if you're the opposite.

Paladins are bullshit at 19 unless they are an amazing FC, GL.
Ret pallyz r insane

so r shams..SHAMS NEED 2 CHILL OUT

and ummm don't roll a holy pally..It's really not viable unless you're REALLY experienced with the class/bracket. And even then it's like..why didn't you just roll a shaman/priest
Reflexes said:
and ummm don't roll a holy pally..It's really not viable unless you're REALLY experienced with the class/bracket. And even then it's like..why didn't you just roll a shaman/priest

Coz you want challengeee and Rets terrible, 0 utility and can't do anything unless they get hurpdurpcrits.

Supadrood said:
seriously stop. i dont want to read your uninformed slander on twink forums.

Isn't uninformed; name some reasons for starting?

For fun? That's retarded.

Your friends do it? That's retarded

To look cool? That's retarded

Because you were in a bad place? QQ less emo kid, you're retarded

Socialsmoking to fit in? That's retarded

0 excuses for smoking; thousand and one reasons to quit.
Llare said:
Coz you want challengeee and Rets terrible, 0 utility and can't do anything unless they get hurpdurpcrits.

Yes rets crutch on crits, but when the RNG works they have retarded burst.

0 Utility is also a massive lie in a premade/pug setting, HoF a warrior/rogue = dead fc/no NG charges, lay on hands O member, HoJ when FC is on low hp to stop cooldowns and blow them up.

I agree with your idea in general that rets are retarded, two button DPS lol.

TLDR: rets are viable.
If you aren't already deep in the rogue game stay away.

They require a lot more effort in this bracket to get the same performance as other DPS classes.
Well, time for my obligatory "You should try using the guide in my sig to make a melee-styled hunter" post.

It's bursty, more fun than your cookie cutter hunters, comes in two styles (Immo-Melee Burst and Midfield Assist), and you get to a lot of large numbers in three seconds.

Also, it gives you an excuse to run around with an Arcanite Reaper like a warrior! *Smiles with glee*.

And you can actually keep decent damage rolling while keeping Wingclip applied to a Druid which I found to be a huge benefit.

Tauren and Belf racials generally become more useful, effective use of Shadowmeld + Glyph of Immolation Trap allows you to slip another extra 120 damage into your 3-4 second burst combo.

And if you are Raptor Strike Glyphed for more mid-field duty, it's funny watching a warrior rage dump or a rogue energy dump right after you used a raptor strike.

That said, it will still feel OP, and the playstyle looks set to die off in Cataclysm anyways, though the Cookie Cutter Style will likely become less OP at the same time. However, if they take Conc Shot off of cooldowns, it could make it possible to play a "CC" style hunter as a more mobile version of the current CC Mage.
Llare said:
Coz you want challengeee and Rets terrible, 0 utility and can't do anything unless they get hurpdurpcrits.

Isn't uninformed; name some reasons for starting?

For fun? That's retarded.

Your friends do it? That's retarded

To look cool? That's retarded

Because you were in a bad place? QQ less emo kid, you're retarded

Socialsmoking to fit in? That's retarded

0 excuses for smoking; thousand and one reasons to quit.

i smoke because i like the way it makes me feel. why do you feel the need to insult a decision i made, i'm not calling you close minded am i? i come here to talk about video games, you have other places you can talk about not doing drugs. please take it else where.
Llare said:
Coz you want challengeee and Rets terrible, 0 utility and can't do anything unless they get hurpdurpcrits.

Isn't uninformed; name some reasons for starting?

For fun? That's retarded.

Your friends do it? That's retarded

To look cool? That's retarded

Because you were in a bad place? QQ less emo kid, you're retarded

Socialsmoking to fit in? That's retarded

0 excuses for smoking; thousand and one reasons to quit.

I feel sorry for people who play wow sober.

Also, I dislike your forum persona.
Juicy said:
I feel sorry for people who play wow sober.

Also, I dislike your forum persona.

But twinking is dead :( we shouldn't bother; we all must be surly and emo.

And I have my reasons for knowing that smoking's fucking retarded, especially for doing it because of "the way it makes you feel".

Plz don't reply with "you only live once" ):
Llare said:
But twinking is dead :( we shouldn't bother; we all must be surly and emo.

And I have my reasons for knowing that smoking's fucking retarded, especially for doing it because of "the way it makes you feel".

Plz don't reply with "you only live once" ):

This is my third life, now either you help me find the green mushrooms, or I pull out a burning weed, and use it to throw fireballs at ya!!!
Llare said:
Coz you want challengeee and Rets terrible, 0 utility and can't do anything unless they get hurpdurpcrits.

Isn't uninformed; name some reasons for starting?

For fun? That's retarded.

Your friends do it? That's retarded

To look cool? That's retarded

Because you were in a bad place? QQ less emo kid, you're retarded

Socialsmoking to fit in? That's retarded

0 excuses for smoking; thousand and one reasons to quit.

You're wrong, period...as someone who's just better than you at this game let me point a few things out

1.Pallys will ALWAYS have utility..you understand the definition right? hammer out of travel form and hof makes ret pallys viable in premades(And no, even without crits they can out dps hunters AND warrs) Nice guess though :). In arena the class is insane, anyone who thinks different is dumb.

Alright now let me address your idiotic statement on the topic that you are VERY uneducated on(Sides wow in general) There are multiple reasons to start smoking..FIRST define "smoking" do you mean cigarettes, bud, tobacco?(I don't always put tobacco in the same category as cigarettes simply because there ARE companies that don't use nicotine in their products). Here are a couple of reasons.

1.Medicinal use, whether mental or physical there are TONS of things marijuana can help that modern medicine can not. It can relieve pain, decrease stress, make you less hyper, it's even been shown in some studies to stop nausea. All in all it's a good solution and should be UTILIZED (THERES YOUR WORD AGAIN) more in todays society. Not to fucking mention it's healthier than ANY pill that you can take for any of those fucking conditions. Did I mention it can help w/ insomnia? OH NO WAY..yeah dude it makes you tired several hours later and a lot of people don't find trouble in sleeping afterwards.

2.Fun?...Well I guess it may come to a shock to your lonely, sheltered soul that people to like to have fun. Some people are social smokers and use weed to communicate with old friends and meet new ones. It's the same concept as drinking, BUT YET AGAIN IT'S HEALTHIER. Or we could do wut a lot of people did back in the day and just fry off straight opiates.

3.I fucking love the taste of tedy grams when I'm blazed. I don't think you understand it makes everything better. This packet of teddy grams, dude..It might as well be a portal to amazingly tasty food planet ran by GIANT ice cream sundays..
Llare said:
But twinking is dead :( we shouldn't bother; we all must be surly and emo.

And I have my reasons for knowing that smoking's fucking retarded, especially for doing it because of "the way it makes you feel".

Plz don't reply with "you only live once" ):

don't judge me. stop talking about it here. i'm not arguing the subject just stop talking about it on these forums. i respect your opinion.

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