You guys can always transfer to Incendius Alliance --Teb, Braze and the other 4 terrain hacking druid cucks extending game by 45 minutes will take you.
Who wants to play with people or like that? I don't. They don't que as a large team in AB and when they do they lose hard which is why they never que AB.
Outside of not wanting to play with players like that, all the decent Alliance realms are currently locked .
I was ready to move a 60 and some other stuff to Pagle but it's locked...thankfully I have a lvl 1 there so I can character create but I don't see the point with no gold and no 60 to farm with.
The only people I would play with there are some snack pack group and without gold or a 60 it's a lost cause.
Yet more horde twinks are popping up and a lot of bad alliance are now rerolling horde, esp a group of garb from benediction.
Avg horde solo que 20-35 min
Avg horde group que 5-10 players 45-1 1/2 hour
sooner I get away from horde the better but it doesn't seem likely right now.