Yeah, gearing is super super easy right now. I think the mage I leveled in January got the level 85 and LFR Deathwing kill achievements on the same day (may have been after midnight, but close enough either way). If you don't want to BG at 85 in all greens, just buy the blue quality crafted pvp gear and keep it in your bags. That'll help boost your item level til you get yourself into the 4.3 Hour of Twilight Heroics. A quick run through those (spoiler alert: they're faceroll) will get you 5-6 ilevel 378 pieces from quests alone. It'll still be a bit painful without resil, but its a good head start and lets you at least do a bit of damage in between spirit rezzes.
After that, the honor grind will go pretty quickly. Honor rewards from random BGs definitely help move it along.
Also, don't tell anyone, but the fire in LFR doesn't actually do any damage. Its worth the minor risk of getting kicked to queue heals if you can and just dps. It takes a couple of those before healers have to actually do any work.