What are your keybinds for moving default is (a/s/d/w)

alt K to move forward
ctrl P to move backwards
ctrl b to move left
ctrl n to move right
i dont strafe
i do not have a keyboard

i use 2 mice to play the game so i use my mouse to move around/turn and the other mouse to click spells/use the on-screen keyboard
W for forward.
S for reverse.
A for left strafe.
D for right strafe.

Q and E are keybinds, as is 1-4, and I also use a few others as well as a Razr Naga Hex with binds.
One of my friends adviced me this style:

S Strafe Left
E Forward
F Strafe Right
(this gives room for Q _ W _ A _ D _R _T _G to bind and easy to reach)
It looks cool but I haven't tried this yet. I still play W - A - D. Classic...

//Winterly'd written this before. Just noticed.
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W - forward
Q- strafe left
E- strafe right

Uninstall button for backpedal
I strafe left and right with side mouse buttons, forward with both top mouse buttons held down. Turn with mouse, and I never backpedal. This leaves my left hand entirely free for abilities so never have to choose between moving and using an ability.
q = strafe left
a = strafe right
F4 = move forward
windowskey= forward
capslock = backwards
numlock = strafe left
spacebar = strafe right

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