What are you doing? EU version

Copied this off the US guild thread, thought it would be nice to know what everyone is up to. Personally I'm making a cc mage, and have a dk that I'll get started for boosting.
Orc hunter. Yes i know, hunters dont take any skill blahfotmblahblahblah

Gunna finish leveling him to 10 tomoz and then get my Dk rolled and up to 58 ready for boosting/farming.
I´m Barto from the Guild.

I roll a Balanced Mage, until i get my Full SP/Stam Sets.(Dual AGM/+Firespelldmg Items will take some time)
Æçüß from the guild. i decided to take one for the team and make a rogue, since nobody else wanted to. im lvl 10 now and got 75 herb, so im gona make a DK, farm some ores to lvl engi, and help /boost others:D

(oh, and if you want to /w me in game.. make sure to copypaste my name ;) )
hello I'am french new menber of twink info guild (sorry if I don't speak a good english)

I up a troll hunter in your guild.

I haven't got hl in your serve but if you want I can up a dk to help you :)
trying to get Atal'Ai gloves on my Lock, but they frickin never drop D:! *NERDRAGE*
Rolt- said:
Washing a pair of sneackers. After that, ill most likely watch a movie or something.

I am just done with reading the Thread. and Now I am typing an answer. And after that I'm gonna watch Paradise Hotel dk version, cause the norwegian is done, and the dk's has much drama.. :)))
Bragh said:
I am just done with reading the Thread. and Now I am typing an answer. And after that I'm gonna watch Paradise Hotel dk version, cause the norwegian is done, and the dk's has much drama.. :)))

LOVE It! even though I can't understand a single shit of what their saying.

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