What races in your opinion, are best for each class? In terms of min/maxing.
What races in your opinion, are best for each class? In terms of min/maxing.
??? are you ok in the head
lets have a real look at all the racials from a premade standpoint, not gonna include every passive (not pugs becuz irrelevant)
Night Elf: pretty much useless if ur too slow in the brain to take advantage
Shadowmeld - cancel casts and CC immunity, doesnt drop combat instantly like it used to :/ also niche uses in cancelling harpoons/charges
Elusiveness - +5% movement speed in stealth, pretty self explanatory, u go faster
Auto Pick for: Druids
Good Pick for: Mages, Monks
Gnome: underrated healing race, monks and priests only tho so
Escape Artist - removing every and any snare/root, got a nerf many many years ago where you can pop it without having any snares/roots on you, rip, probably on GCD now too, very underrated healer racial, if ur going against the best mage in the bracket (me) you'll be novaed out of range of your efc on 90% of pushes and this racial will save the cap for sure, niche uses in removing concussion shot -> trap though with possible gcd changes this will be made very hard unless you're experienced in holding gcds, which if ur playing 19s in 2018 you wont be.
Expansive Mind - +5% resource pool (energy,rage,mana) if ur a mongo rogue who shouldnt even be playing in this expansion the extra 5% energy might equate to another ss before ur energy starved, but any good rogue would never dump a full energy pool so who cares lmao, +5% mana on a healer is huge for long mid fights, do healers still have the +400% mana passive from talent specialization? why arent u all running +mana on chest so its affected by the talent, coupled with +5% gnome racial and u shouldnt ever oom.
Auto Pick for: nobody
Good Pick for: Monks, Priests
Draenei: i had to look up the racials for this dog race to see changes of the last 8 years
Gift of the Naaru: 4% hp every 1 sec for 5 secs, with a 3 minute cd and on the gcd, if you're dumb you'll look at this and think its decent, it's not. off the gcd it's okay, on the gcd it's useless, 20% hp on a fc is going to be roughly 400-500 healing over 5 secs, that's the same as most priests bubble with no cd, its a little bit of extra help if you're a class that cant heal but there's better races for u to be anyway.
Heroic Presence - +3 primary stat, garbage.
Auto Pick for: nobody
Good Pick for: nobody
Human: just remove this race
Every man for himself - remove all stuns 3min cd, 90 shared cd with trinket, pretty much useless at endgame, even more useless in a bracket with 3 total stuns (war stomp, cheap shot and hoj)
The Human Spirit - 2% more secondary stats from all sources, so from my very basic understanding if you have 100 haste rating you get an extra 2, good luck guys
Diplomacy - the only racial they have that is useful, helps you get furbolg medicine pouch faster, aaa nvm
Auto Pick for: nobody
Good Pick for: people with disabilities to let people around you know of your condition.
Dwarf: stoneform is pretty good but overrated
Stoneform - removes every poison, magic, curse, bleed, disease effect and 10% physical dmg reduction for 8 secs, as a shaman ur gonna be pigeonholed into playing dwarf so its good to break nova when ur breaking to help fc pick or to 1shot efc with ur earth shock gimmick as ele, the removing debuffs in mid is overrated, there should be no reason for it to be a life or death situation unless ur healers are dogshit (which granted they will be because its 19s and all u healers suck) niche situation of removing debuffs to bandage though i guess, or getting a restealth if u belong in a mental hospital and picked a dwarf rogue for some reason.
Might of the mountain - +2% crit dmg/healing, lmao.
Auto Pick for: Shamans
Good Pick for: Paladins
Worgen: another favourite
Darkflight - +40% movement speed for 10 seconds, absolutely huge, ive seen people dismissing it because of speed pots, if you're one of those people just cancel your sub and go play candy crush, it's practical for every class that can use it but it's godly for hunters, doesnt need an explanation.
Viciousness - 1% crit.
Auto Pick for: Hunters, Rogues
Good Pick for: Priests, Warriors, Mages, Druids, Warlocks (yep everyone who can use them)
Orc: just not good at all
Hardiness - 20% stun duration reduction, again in a bracket with 3 total stuns its next to useless, nothing to say really
Blood Fury - 13 attack power/intellect for 15secs, very underwhelming as this equates to roughly a 7% increase for 15 seconds, not entirely useless dont get me wrong but definitely better options for all the classes it affects.
Command - 1% pet damage increase
Auto Pick for: nobody
Good Pick for: Mages, Locks
Troll: my personal favouritenot bias tho :/
Berserking - 15% haste for 10 secs, absolutely huge not just for its damage output but the ability to get CC off much faster makes this racial the best racial in mid by far, nothing comes close except the 1 in a million niche use of other racials you can dream up to argue it.
rest of racials pretty shit - 20% snare duration reduction, 10% hp regen in combat
Auto Pick for: Mages, Druids, Locks
Good Pick for: Priests, Shamans
Blood elf: haha lol
Arcane Torrent - dont even try to justify the uses of this spell, because there are none. removing 1 magic debuff and restoring 15 energy/focus/rage or 3% mana just isnt worth it, it being on gcd makes removing priests shield useless unless you land it on multiple targets at once, so dont even try to defend that usage, the only thing worth removing is enveloping mists and even then its not worth picking blood elf over anything else for that sole use. yes it can remove all 3 stacks of warrior of elune but no boomkin runs that talent.
Arcane Acuity - 1% crit.
Auto Pick for: nobody
Good Pick for: people with disabilities to let people around you know of your condition.
Undead: very very niche but overall bad
Will of the forsaken - removes charm, fear, sleep, turned effects, shares 30sec cd with trinket, warlocks are under-represented in competitive play atm but this racial is still useful to break an offensive priests psychic scream on their pushes and in the same sense to break defensive priests psychic scream on your pushes, not many useful situations at all.
Touch of the grave - damaging an enemy has a chance to proc extra damage that heals you for the same amount of damage it caused, does pretty nice damage, internal cd of 20 secs, nothing special.
Cannibalize - niche spell that shouldnt be dismissed, eat an enemy corpse to regenerate 7% hp and mana every 2 secs for 10 secs, usable in combat. useful to get a tick or two while oom as a healer without needing to drop combat to drink and possibly get sapped, breaks on any damage though so its niche.
Auto Pick for: nobody
Good Pick for: Priests
Tauren: fotm race that i wish didnt look like shit and ruin all tmogs
War Stomp - 0.5 sec cast time 2 sec stun in a bracket with such minimal stuns it's not likely to be DRed in 95% of cases, should be taken by every healing class except shaman, niche uses in stomping surv harpoon -> trap, regular use in stomping enemies opener on efc, if ur not picking tauren as any healer except shaman ur an idiot and should delete ur toon.
Brawn - +2% crit damage/healing, lol.
Endurance - +8 stamina passive that scales with bear form and other similar effects.
Auto Pick for: Druids, Warriors, Priests, Paladins
Good Pick for: Shamans
Goblin: overrated trash race that only benefits people with positioning issues (auto pick for obj tho)
Rocket Barrage - (42.9% sp + 50% ap) + 38, looks pretty good right? no its awful, and also puts your rocket jump on cd so when you're caught out of position (which u will be, thats why u picked goblin, coz u suck at positioning), you're dead.
Rocket Jump - the only useful situations for this ability is in the case of getting returns/repicks from people out of range, or the niche uses of faking people off roof and doing sneaky jumps like getting onto tot without having to do the normal jumps, if you're using this to fix your bad positioning you're an idiot and shouldnt be in competitive games.
Time is money - 1% haste.
very good for shamans and hunters tho as any extra mobility while escorting fcs/breaking to kill efcs is good
Auto Pick for: Shamans, Hunters, Rogues
Good Pick for: people with positioning issues who need a panic button so they dont get 10+ deaths and blacklisted from future games
The Neutrally Dogshit Pandaren:
Bouncy - 50% less fall damage, hehe lol
Quaking Palm - melee range 4 sec duration incap, shares DR with sheep, trap, sap. i'm torn between if its good or not, which im sure most people are, having never played a panda or actually seen any good players playing one i genuinely cant tell you if it removes dots when applied or not, which is important.
if it removes dots then with communication you can make sure it lasts the full 4 secs, or even coordinating with a warlock to fear off it, etc etc.
if it doesnt remove dots then you can use it as something to quickly cancel an enemies cast and not lose any downtime on rot, although theres more downsides to this than upsides as it wont be reliable at all as a cc in a rot meta.
can be used to cancel harpoons/goblin rocket jump with correct timing
pretty good for rogues openers when sap is unavailable on a healer, cheap on healer -> incap their trinket or after cheap is falling etc
but generally considered a dead race because every class would shine on a diff race.
Auto Pick for: nobody
Good Pick for: Warrior, Rogue, Monk, Priest
Hard to undervalue this when there are so many rogues and tauren druids in pugs these days. Competitive-wise when there aren't as many, I can see this falling off.Every man for himself - remove all stuns 3min cd, 90 shared cd with trinket, pretty much useless at endgame, even more useless in a bracket with 3 total stuns (war stomp, cheap shot and hoj)
This list ranks from 1-x Where 1 is the best race for the class. It's roughly over all specs worth considering, however some will be mentioned specifically with spec. If the race is not mentioned, although playable by the class, it's because they are not even worth considering. Unless you wanna swag it out.
1) Worgen
2) Human
3) Gnome
4) Dwarf
1) Human
1) Worgen
2) Human
3) Night Elf
1) Worgen
2) Pandaren
3) Human
1) Human
1) Dwarf
1) Gnome
2) Worgen
3) Human
1) Gnome
2) Human
3) Worgen
1) Human
2) Gnome (MW)
3) Dwarf
4) Pandaren (WW)
1) Worgen (Better objectives)
2) Night Elf
1) Tauren/Orc
2) Goblin
3) Pandaren
4) Belf
1) Tauren/Belf
1) Goblin
2) Orc
1) Goblin
2) Pandaren
3) Orc
1) Troll/Goblin
2) Tauren
3) Undead
1) Goblin
2) Orc/Troll
1) Troll
2) Goblin
3) Orc
1) Troll/Undead
2) Goblin/Orc
1) Troll (MW)
2) Pandaren/Orc (WW/Orc MW)
1) Tauren (FC/Objectives)
2) Troll (Mid)
Don’t forget the base stats. For instance troll mage has lowest base int
Rogue is human or undead. Humans double trinket and vers racial bonus is a huge plus for the class, and undeads occasional proc heal works great with the current meta being all about proc damage, and the will of the forsaken is also pretty nice if you master using it.
panda, goblin, worgen only good races
Belf tauren goblin
Nelf worgen gnome
Silence interuptWhy belf?
Because they're pretty maybeWhy belf?
Imagine being this far into BfA and still think Belf racial silencesSilence
They dont silence anymoreSilence