What are the best classes in the 29 bracket?

Untwinkable said:
Deaths = Shaman ( or anyone below 25, as the hunter will 2 shot you)

LOL'ed irl.
Untwinkable said:
Deaths = Shaman ( or anyone below 25, as the hunter will 2 shot you)

I know not everyone will agree with what I put here, but that's my opinion.

I'm beginning to think that it depends on the battlegroup. We have very few shamans in the 29 bracket for BG PuGs in Bloodlust, but the ones we do have...daggone. Even the mediocre ones just passing through can hold their own.

Untwinkable said:
Deaths = Shaman ( or anyone below 25, as the hunter will 2 shot you)

I'd have to disagree, i have a shaman that isnt even twinked, just got some decent gear and is specced Enhance, and I didn't die too much, Insta GhostWolf can save you in any situation for the most part, cure poisons, all your totems, your healing.
On my disc priest I find hunters hard 1v1, that's about it. Should beat most others, though UD Rogues are tough to beat with cooldowns up. Really depends what sort of class you want to play. Palys seem to be the best "all rounder" in 29's, providing you get about 5 sets worth of gear to swap between.
Not exactly..

Untwinkable said:
Deaths = Shaman ( or anyone below 25, as the hunter will 2 shot you)

On my enhance shaman I rarely get 2 shot by hunters. With frost shock I can usually catch up to hunters beat them 1 v 1. It is the rogues with high dodge that I can't touch.
I sat for a while trying to make a list from top to bottom of which class is the best and which class is the worst, and it was a lot more difficult than I expected.

Its hard to rank the classes, because sometimes it just comes down to apples and oranges. For instance, if we're talking about wsg, one of the most important classes is the FC. If thats what you are looking for, I would have to put warriors and druids at the top; In my original list I made, druids and warriors were at the bottom, so you can see the drastic swings each class can take depending on what you want to do.

Sure, if you're talking about all around twinks, Hunters are the clear best. After that though, it gets a lot closer, and there are maybe 2 other tiers of classes (with the exception of ret pallies which imo are tier 1.5, though admittedly its debatable)


Tier 1: Hunters

Tier1.5: Ret Pallies

Tier 2: Warlocks, Shamans, Priests, Mages, rogues

Tier 3: Druids, Warriors

Tbh, tier 3 should really be more like tier 2.5, but I'd still say that other than FC specialists, they're not as good as the other classes. I would consider an argument to put warriors a bit higher, but I still think they just arent as good as the other dps options.
It seems sort of like a game of rocks/paper/sissors (which is what it should be really).

For example:

Hunters can kill a priest > but priests can kill a rogue > but rogues can kill a hunter.

Of course, that is an over-generalization, as skill and CDs and consumables all play a big part, but you get the idea.

The only class I would call weak in this bracket is the warrior, and even then they can be pretty good--they just have to work at it. Mages also wont generally be topping charts, and they die a lot, buuuuut they make good flag carriers. Choosing the right class/racial makes a big difference too. I wish I had gone human, for example.
are we being serious? if so:

tier 1: hunters

--enormous gap here--

tier 2: paladins, priests, warriors, rogues, shaman, warlocks, mages, druids

29 is a good bracket because literally every class is quite good in pvp. right now pretty much everyone is on equal footing except for hunters, which are more or less god mode in any kind of pvp setting at 29. it's unfortunate, but i doubt it will change anytime soon based on blizzard's class design for hunters.

the only addendum i would make to this list is druids being slightly inferior to the other classes, especially in arena where the difference is very noticeable.
For those of you saying mages aren't too great in 29s.. I do fairly well top 3-5 in damage/KB nearly every game and I don't have squat for gear or chants.
I don't know if the OP is still watching this thread anymore but I thought I'd share my thoughts, bear in mind though I haven't been playing in the 29 bracket that long and currently only have a 29 Rogue in it (am working on more however), so take what I say with a pinch of salt.

'Best' is a very vague term really, it depends on what you want to get out of the 29 bracket. I'll try and break it down a bit as best I can:

Healing - Currently I think it is safe to say that Priests and Paladins are the healing heavyweights of the bracket. Without going into the details of each of the classes spells, both fill this roll very well if spec'd correctly. Shaman and Druids do alright but I feel they are currently more of a support class than a straight healer. Bear in mind that in patch 3.2 Druids will be getting Travelform at level 16, and I predict a wave of resto druids incomming.

Flag Carrying - Many classes can actually fill this role very well if geared/ spec'd correctly. However I would say the top contenders are:

Druids are a good choice with their speed increase in catform (feral spec'd), travelform in 3.2 will be nice too, ability to instantly root attackin melee and can ofcourse shift out of snares.

Good Shaman annoy the crap out of me when I'm in def, if I haven't killed them by the time they are out of the base I'm pretty much done for. They have instant ghostwolf (spec'd properly), ability to remove poisons (crippling) and lots of snares in the form of frostshock, frostbrand weapon & earthbind.

Paladins have good mitagation, good 'oshit' buttons and ofcourse Hand of Freedom, need I say more.

DPS/ HK's / KB's/ etc - If all you want from the 29 bracket is to have a low(ish) death count, high damage and alot of killing blows then roll a Hunter. Be warned however that there are alot of hunters in BG's nowerdays so if you want do better than average then you are going to have to twink better than average. Hunters do have limited utility but mainly bring damage to the table, if you are going to take the time to master the class I can't see you being beaten very often in 1v1.

Rogues are also high up on the Damage, HK and KB charts. If you manage to find a BG with only a few hunters in it then your Deaths will probably be low too. Rogues bring a little more utility to the table than hunters, able to slow down EFC's more effectively than Hunters giving your team more time to close in, decent flag carriers and so on. Also as far as you fighting hunters is concerned, as a rogue if I am caught out of steath by a pretty decent hunter twink who is at distance then in all probability I am going to die, however if I manage to get the first shot in then I will win the vast majority of times even against well twinked well played hunters, it's their ability to keep you at distance which screws us over the most.

After these two main DPS classes the others all tend to do pretty well too if spec'd and geared correctly of course:

- Balance druids are not bad, however Feral ones don't cut it from my experience.

- Mages can put out some nice damage and can be quite slippery for melee classes, however in a time where hunter twinks make up the majority of 29 bg's, if you role a mage .. expect to die alot.

- Ret paladins are a strong class with great burst, good ones can give me alot of trouble if I don't focus.

- All priests now have devouring plague DOT along with their old friend SW:pain, if a priest can survive long enough these dots alone can normally kill many classes.

- Warlocks I personally find quite squishy in general and easy to lock down .. but then again I'm an undead rogue so it's kind of a no brainer. However they are able to put out ALOT of damage and I've often died after fights with good warlock twinks just due to the damn dots still ticking away.

- Finally Warriors and Shaman, I haven't seen any or atleast noticed any DPS twinks of these classes so unfortunately I cannot comment on their effectiveness, however I assume both are pretty good too.

Overall, if you don't really know what role you want to go into pick a class you like at 80, check out what talents and spell are availiable to it at 29 and if it seems interesting give it a go. 29 is a good bracket where most classes stand a chance against one another.
skniwtgnidnuf said:
You didnt even mention the best fc class...

As I said I haven't been in the bracket very long these are just my impressions from what I have seen so far. I did say most classes can be good if geared / spec'd correctly however. The classes I posted were meerly examples of good FC's I had seen.

I assume you mean Warriors when you refer to the 'best fc' class, I haven't seen any good ones but from the looks of it sure they will have alot of HP but they will be too easily snared and locked down unless they run with a healer. The classes I listed would all do v well in solo flag running.

You could have used your post to contribute something to this thread rather than pointing out things I missed..
The Love Fool said:
You could have used your post to contribute something to this thread rather than pointing out things I missed..

Exactly my thoughts. Why point out that somebody "failed" in something? ("failing" in a game is a bizarre concept btw) Is this site about stroking your ego or is it to share knowledge and experiences with others? If it is the first then this site will end up like epeendepot some day. I do like twinkinfo because usually things are discussed in a civil manner and i personally would be very happy to keep it this way.
skniwtgnidnuf said:
I guess I'm kinda weird, but I was hoping for more of an elitistjerks type of site, where people actually post "correct" information, instead of their completely off base "opinions".

I just got back from elitistjerks after reading an ongoing discussion (read: argument) about the usefulness of the new shaman totem bar coming in 3.2. Any website with an active community is going to debate what is "correct".

If you admittedly have only played in the bracket for a short amount of time, why post a long winded response that is going to throw people off from what the bracket is really like?

It's an invitation for discussion. If it were a guide or something of the like that claimed to be authoritative, then that's different. But this is a forum. For discussions.

Idk about the rest of the post, because I stopped after the FC section. Listing every possible fc class except for the best one is like screaming "disregard my post" Would you list every dps class except hunters? Its the same thing.

You might be aware of that, but others will not. For example, I'm very well versed in resto shaman knowledge. But thanks to your reference to elitistjerks, I found a post there where someone mentioned that Wind Shock was off the GCD since the 3.0 patch. How the heck did I not know that? Mostly, because few people play resto shaman twinks, and I hadn't figured it out myself.

Unfortunately there is no way to regulate people who have no idea what they're talking about, so people who have never twinked before will come to these forums, and read a long winded response like that and think the guy is right because he wrote a lot.

That's true, but it doesn't need regulation -- it needs additional input from people like you to debate and complete the knowledge. Moreover, new twinks aren't going to rely on a single forum post, even if it's long. They'll read the whole thread, to get a feel for different views.

In reality, for someone brand new to twinking, pointing out incorrect information is just as useful if not moreso than adding new correct info, which I did "Warriors are the best FC's"

Absolutely. If you focus on helping fill those gaps (whether they're subtle or blatant), you'll quickly find a place in this community. Basically, if a guide has bad info, that may be cause for concern. But discussions are a chance to hash out opinions and observations. Post about your experience so we can learn from it.

My character is a resto shaman. although I won't claim it to be the best class, it is probably the most versatile support class. This is my style: I like to do whatever the situation needs, have utilities like interrupt, DoT, purge, slow, group heal, AoE etc... I mainly heal, but deal damage when it is needed. And I am usually one of the top 3 healers in BG's, and in upper half in damage done.

If you enjoy such a playstyle, go for shaman, else priest. No other class offers so much variety in one build (that leaves druids out)
This is interesting stuff. I created a warrior and have great difficulty in taking down hunters 1v1. Still having a blast mixing it up but when you look across the battleground and 10 hunters with 10 spiders charge at you know its going to be chaos.

Do things get better for the warrior as you go up the brackets? Will they remain bottom of the food chain, if not when do the warriors start coming into their own?

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