What are the best 10 classes


I am scum so I want to be the best 10 class. Also I'd like to try one where best race is a gnome any help would be great. Also are there any classes wehre BiS isnt GF'ed
No classes are BiS without Gf'd gear in this bracket, but those who do still have 10s with Gf'd gear are so rare nowadays that you wont find a big difference.

As a gnome your best class choices would be anyone that involves Intellect users because of their passive racial.

These classes would be either : Mage, Priest, Mistweaver Monk, and Warlock

Now out of those 4 classes, Priest and Warlock are your 2 "better" choices.

Food for thought :)

Warlock offers the most bursty and dmg oriented class in the entire bracket.
Priest offers the hardest class to kill, allowing both great healing and wonderful damaging.

The choice usually comes down to preference! :)
it's the Gear thats BIS class has nothing to do with it. A lot of the best gear was removed when cata hit and than more was removed during cata when quests had lvl req. upped. So if you want TRUE BIS your outta luck like he said.
The only class that has a far larger advantage with gf'd gear is rogue or any leather agi users. The rest of the Gf'd gear stats are MINOR difference. If you want to QQ about not having Gf'd gear do it somewhere else. OP was asking for advice not your opinions.
Whats it like up there on your high horse? No where did I even hint at QQ so please stfu. He asked how are monks GF'd if they just came out I just commented that the Gear is whats GF'd not the class. It's true that the gear was removed before monks were even around, but there will always be better gear out there even if you can't get it yourself. So he could get BIS for today but not True BIS. For the other classes. And what opinions? It's fact, so please go and try and start shit else where. Or Maybe read before you get all hot and bothered in your pants and have to post a reply. He wants BIS, but you even said that he can't get BIS because of the GF'd gear. But you said that since almost no one has that gear now it doesn't matter. Will its till BIS, that hasn't changed in anyway. Just because you or other twinks can't get the items anymore don't try and down play them to make yourselves feel better about not having them.

BTW OP asked about monks so I just wanted to clarify that for him. So before you go around trying to tell people not to share their opinions maybe you should take your own advice and just stfu.....yep I think that would be better for everyone. <3
I have some class questions too, so I'm gonna highjack your thread :)
1. How are paladin's holy/prot/retri?
2. How are prot warriors?
3. How are WW/BM monks?
4. Balance druid?

If you could provide info regarding the named classes dmg output, survivability and they are considered OP/UP :)
I know I am asking for a lot, but I hope you'll answer, thank you :)
I have some class questions too, so I'm gonna highjack your thread :)
1. How are paladin's holy/prot/retri?
2. How are prot warriors?
3. How are WW/BM monks?
4. Balance druid?

If you could provide info regarding the named classes dmg output, survivability and they are considered OP/UP :)
I know I am asking for a lot, but I hope you'll answer, thank you :)

At level 10, Paladin survival is mediocre without FoL
holy pallies only get holy shock and WoG as heals.
Prot paladins have AS, but they don't get a damage reduction taken buff like warriors and BM monks have.
Ret paladins... never tried it as of 5.3 so I got nothin...

Prot warrior Shield Slams still hit pretty hard. They also havea 25% damage mitigation (under defensive stance), unlike protadins.

WW Monk damage is slightly above average, they have good mobility, and has a nice melee stun, but it has to hit to make it any useful. They don't have the dodge% that rogues have so they're a bit squishy.
BM monks are slightly better at damage mitigation, but their damage is splat. They make nice CCers with DH spam, though, and have good mobility.

Balance druids... I got 2 shot by one a few times while i had around 924 hp. They take time to build up an eclipse though, so they have to stop and rejuv often.

I am scum so I want to be the best 10 class. Also I'd like to try one where best race is a gnome any help would be great. Also are there any classes wehre BiS isnt GF'ed

Since you mentioned Gnome, I'd suggest Destro Warlock or Disc Priest as Chantale mentioned. He pretty much described it all.
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