What are old school 20s players doing nowadays?

nothing but 29's in your sig no wonder your having trouble making friends.
Lol I haven't played WoW in years, but I check this website casually to see what my old friends are up to, and I live vicariously through their achievements :)
Occasionally Classic Era. I go on Dragonflight every couple of months and poke around, but the game seems so distant from what it used to be in so many ways, it's hard for me to get the same enjoyment from it.

I play League of Legends quite a bit, also games on Switch. Occasionally hope on other MMOs I love, like Mabinogi and Maplestory.
This thread seems pretty pointless when you open it up with this... my natural response is 'Your Mom"
you helped cripple 20's so don't pretend you care.

4 pages of replies so how is it pointless?
Luckily I play on an RP server so while I'm waiting for queues to pop I'm also running around Moon Guard getting up to my own silly RP nonsense. Which is good because some days the queues just don't pop.
Moved to 30s. It's super active, just not with BGs. Our PvP is arenas and wpvp (generally Nagrand or Gurubashi), we have raid nights to do legacy Raids, dungeon speed runs in teams of 3 for gold prizes (kinda like the m+ tourney at max) and then best of all: dueling 29s which is easy and infuriates them because they're used to being top dog. But I also have always been a subbed 20 so moving to 30 was easy, but very worth it.
I only really play end game right now tbh and just play arena in 2s/3s. I do miss the days of mop / wod 20 twink wsg and premade games .
Might need to get the old team together
Moved to 30s. It's super active, just not with BGs. Our PvP is arenas and wpvp (generally Nagrand or Gurubashi), we have raid nights to do legacy Raids, dungeon speed runs in teams of 3 for gold prizes (kinda like the m+ tourney at max) and then best of all: dueling 29s which is easy and infuriates them because they're used to being top dog. But I also have always been a subbed 20 so moving to 30 was easy, but very worth it.
Where can I see more of that?!?
Where can I see more of that?!?
Thrall is the realm where the Horde guild is (the majority of the players). I'd suggest you join the discord, or add me on btag and I'll throw you the discord link when I'm on! ILUVUK#1678 not posting discord link here because it's been attempted before and the link expires.
Thrall is the realm where the Horde guild is (the majority of the players). I'd suggest you join the discord, or add me on btag and I'll throw you the discord link when I'm on! ILUVUK#1678 not posting discord link here because it's been attempted before and the link expires.
i was in a guild on thrall called retro back in cataclysm or something haha interesting.
I'm new to the 20-29 bracket. The other day, I qued into a Battle for Gilneas BG. Right away, I noticed opposing players wearing full ilvl 155 gear. My teams Restoration Druid, Supácow, although being level 29, was wearing five pieces of item level 86 gear and the rest of his gear was ilvl 112. A sizable gear stat advantage for the players wearing ilvl 155 gear over our druid healer. When I pointed out this crazy gear difference, our druid heals simply stated "Skill > Gear". I laughed and waited for the players sporting ilvl 155 gear to wipe the BG floor with this guy....
Well, I was thoroughly taken aback when three quarters of the way through the BG, this Resto Druid that I thought was under-geared for the task at hand, received the "Damage Control" achievement. Curiously, I checked the stat leader board and noticed this druid had just passed 300,000 vs. player damage.
Ultimately, when the BG ended, we lost a very fun match by only five points. The Resto Druid, Supácow of Hordecore 20s community, on the other hand, pumped out 39 killing blows, 401,000 damage and 158,000 in healing (screenshot to come) against what I thought were superior geared opponents....
In short, maybe these negative minded players commenting in this thread, crying about "unfair advantages", are possibly just lacking in skill? I hear what you other players are saying but, I know what I saw. To me, the proof is in the pudding and the QQing that is being posted here appears unfounded at this point. Personally, I'm gonna hang in this bracket for awhile.





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