What are old school 20s players doing nowadays?

nuttin honey. my 2012 graphics card finally died so ebayed a 100$ 1660ti & tryin out read dead 2 n sf6 trial, other games i've had n played at lower rez's. playin a fps again kinda made me in the mood for my old fav quake 1, so grabbed quakespasm-spiked to relive some old glory in much better graphics. god i miss the thunderwalker creeper CTF mod, my main squeeze from like 97 to 07, but sadly the one or two lonely servers hosting it lie empty.
as for wow, i pretty much cleared out my bucket list except for some pet n mount collecting, didn't feel like doing another regearing farm for the 60 while df trial was on, so lapsed sub and grabbed a basic set of 83s for an old 20, and just pop on now and then to check chats. i'll probably wait for free or 75%off df before thinking about wowing much again.

edit: found an old quake1 vid of a match that shows the kinda schmoovement we were doin with grappling hooks at the time and an example of the tip-top ctf map designs we had, tho it's an older ver of the grappling hook, and no thunderwalker runes, which added a whole other dimension to things. looks like he used a mod to sacrifice graphics to make teammembers/enemies clearer too. no future fps could ever be as good for me unless it too has a great grappling hook.
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F2P isn't that alive anymore tbh, however most of my friends at mag still play F2P & some people on bnet and few ones you meet in pvp.
After playing this bracket for this long where the best period was a little over 10 years ago its hard to care alot really.
This due the fact that you've done endless gearing over and over and pvp throughout the years gotten less and less rewarding.
People seem to make it an active duty to kill the que times for shortperiod enjoyment rather than raising overal quality in the longterm.
Anyway we just play the game at our own phase hanging out mostly doing some side activities.

Maybe someday it gets better who knows ^^
Outside of Classic HC, WoW has ceased to be a source of joy & fulfilment for me since Nov. of last year.

Once 29's became a thing, I leveled/rerolled my roster & began the ICC Heroics grind to kit them out. After 2+ months of that joyful, grindtastic adventure I never even BG'ed with a single one of them. Not. Once.
Shortly thereafter, DragonFetish launched & I noped out of the WoW imposter into Hardcore Classic Wow pretty much fulltime.

What really took the wind out of my sails was the gear-rebalancing, that killed open-world farming: an in-game hobby/profession which I think I enjoyed more than playing with the toons I kitted out through farming. That loss. coupled with malicious 29's shitting in the souls of 20's locked in a the xpoff bracket, & our gearing process being limited almost entirely to WoD dungeons ( not awful, but VERY uninteresting ) has sucked the joy & exploration out of 20's for me.

I pop in from time to time, but It feels more like... like going back to a school you once attended as an adult.
Nostalgic, but isolating. The game I loved is a memory of a past I can only reminisce about, but not return to revel in.

Maybe 20's will make a comeback. Maybe changes will be made that are favorable to us & the F2P experience. Maybe we will do like the Classic HC enjoyers, & create our OWN content; but most likely, we will remain cyphers in the world. Appearing occasionally to bewilder levelers & people out in the world, nuking someone in a BG & disappearing like a forgotten memory.

well said man

i’m just playing osrs or hades
Not taking it too seriously, but been playing a bit of BDO. It's only $5 on Steam right now and it's buy to play with no sub fee. The amount of value you get is pretty insane ever since they switched publishers from Kakao to Pearl Abyss. I spent like $40 under the previous publisher for just a few pets, but you can pretty much get everything for free now under Pearl Abyss. There's also an event going on and there's like 4-5 codes you can redeem for free outfits and pets.

I'll prob check out PTR when it comes out on July 11th, but yea 20s has kinda been meh.

+1: Guild Wars 2

But Im playing on EU

Cool! I heard there's gonna be a new expac in August or so too, but its nice to see people enjoying GW2 still
Played quite a bit of classic but now it's pretty much just D4 and Racing Sims...
you can pretty much get everything for free now under Pearl Abyss.
oh dont fucking tell me that played (and paid) way too much bdo under kuckao
No PVP = 20s is dead. No point in even having WoW on your PC anymore. I remember when a certain few adamantly reassured people that twinking wasn't just pvp and it wouldn't die with pvp being lost. I occasionally check on here to see if they changed anything(they're not going to, twinks pissed off too many paying levellers) when i see someone i know who twinks on my bnet friends list enter a battleground.
Let’s also remember that most “old school 20s” did it for the pve, so doesn’t matter that much to them that bgs are dead.
Not really. The OG F2Ps were just as interested in PVP and there really wasn't much PVE to begin with. PVE consisted of leveling, running dungeons for BiS gear, questing for BiS gear, farming rare spawn treasure chests for BiS gear, and getting DMF tickets to buy heirlooms. PVP was awesome when we were in the XP-on category and nearly every battleground was 100% F2P. The only bad thing was that hunters were way OP back then. And when Blizzard changed us to XP-off and the level 24 twinks came out of the woodwork and dominated the BGs, the F2Ps turned to arenas. But when it was evident that PVP wasn't going to get better for us, a lot of people did take off.

I, for one, continue to play F2P to gear up my characters. That has always been the main end-goal for me in RPGs: to get the best gear I possibly can. And I have 12 characters to gear up so I have plenty of things to do here.
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Playing classic era. The BGs are somehow more fun than both wrath and retail. Lvl 60 only though, nothing else pops (US). I managed to get AQ40 geared and I'm living the dream as a smite priest with 42 yard range.

There's also a new pvp system coming next patch. We find out the details this friday. Expecting soloQ rated BGs / Arena possibly.
No PVP = 20s is dead. No point in even having WoW on your PC anymore. I remember when a certain few adamantly reassured people that twinking wasn't just pvp and it wouldn't die with pvp being lost. I occasionally check on here to see if they changed anything(they're not going to, twinks pissed off too many paying levellers) when i see someone i know who twinks on my bnet friends list enter a battleground.
See... again, the loss of interesting open-world rewards after the gear re-balancing patch removed the whole joy of logging in; to go & see what rare & amazing loots could be had out in the WORLD of the World of Warcrack.
There were the Blackrock Mountain Epics, the MoP world-drop blues: those swaggy 2-socket Helmets & those savory trinks. A few WoD farms for Blue gear & very rare Epic trinks. The Legion famrs... Wrecking Ghosts or Kobolds for stacks of swag gear, or when the Val Sharah invasion began & everyone would rush to form 2x4's to farm the towers... dude! It was so good!
There was the DH RFK Bullfrong/chest fam, or even just riding aorund Classic Azeroth, TBC & Wrath zones & farming world chests... we could find amazing, valuable gear EVERYWHERE, vibing out to the music & vista of the zones while ENJOYING the WORLD.... I LOVED it!
Rich with exploration & discovery. Creative, in that: WE, the players, could generate gear ourselves; & with some luck & blessings from RnJeezus, could possibly come away with one or a few utterly unique bits of gear; which we could sell for massive profit or proudly equip & use. It was the most fulfilling off-META gameplay I've ever enjoyed, the most rewarding & personal interaction, & the absolute most fun I had enjoyed playing WoW since I first logged in & began playing back in the Pleistocene.

Now that all of that is just a fond memory, & total control over gearing for twinks has been stuffed into WoD dungeons ( which, don't get me wrong I love & think to be some of the best & most fun dungeons in the game; but ffs, that's ALL we get?!?! dafuq 0,o!!? ) You take away fast cues for fun PvP & ... well.
What's Left? Paying a sub to play as a fetish monster in an imposter game, wearing my beloved WoW as a skinsuit?!

Anyone want to start a mid-SL P-server?

Unless there are sweeping changes made to re-invigorate the F2P experience,
I can only see myself logging in to wander the barrens for 15 minuets on my favorite twinks every few months or so, & CLassic HC.
The OG WoW devs have moved on. Maybe we should too?
Playing single player PS5 games, and randomly jumping on wow classic wrath for a couple days and then remembering I did this 15 years ago, so whats the point, and logging off

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