Well Mage is almost finished [=


My Mage dinged 19 the other night.

Pure Fire Mage, not really going for HP just getting what I can get, but with Buffs I am hitting 1300 (not includeing battle standard)

Name is Eolithic if you play in Whirlwind you might have seen him.

My goal is to hit 200+ Firespell power

But nobody on Vashj has +20 Fire Spell to gloves and only 3 people have +30Sp to wep and are never on.

I still need +11 Fire spell pants.

I don't know how I am gonna do this but that is my goal [=

I still need to get AGM for my CC set but, I should look at a Char dev plan and see if it is even possible to hit that much SP at 19 atm.

Also wondering if anybody on here plays on Vashj and would like to sell me 11fire spell pants if they have them ;P

Funny little side note, I got 2 BoA Haste trinkets to see how it would work but meh wasn't that great so I opened a ticket to have a GM swap them out with the SP BoA trinket. I guess you can only exchange 1 BoA a LifeTime per account xD

I go back and read this post, and WOW, do I sound like a moron o_O
Eaz said:
I go back and read this post, and WOW, do I sound like a moron o_O


anywho, i dont think its possible (or practical) to set a goal of 200 fire spellpower. Maybe lower to 130-150 and get some survivability. 130 is still a lot of sp.
200 is indeed viable. If my 19 mage had another BoA spell power trinket I could hit it (buffed of course) I am sitting at 173 unbuffed I believe, need another SP BoA trinket and need +7fire damage cloak enchant

Its extremely gimmicked and really awkward, but man 700 fire ball crits are lots of fun :)
Yeah mine is near perfect (missing four sp cuz I chose offhand/mh over staff of the blessed seer and gold flecked over pagan). and I have 161 sp unbuffed. You could add 12 I guess with BoAs..but meh, I prefer AGM/trinket. Thats 176 for a perfect mage.
I got +11 fire damage trouser here on Mok'Nathal that I'm not planning to use anymore... I won't transfer but they're for sale if you want to transfer here yourself.
Its not xD.. I checked =(

You can super buffed.. fish feast firepower etc..but if you go to all that effort.. eh /shrug
Well Xposure...you missed 20 fire damage to gloves (unless you didn't put it there because Eaz has no way of getting it...) And you didn't choose the wand type ^^ Other than that - yeah :) Looks good, so adding in the staff's proper SP (15) you are at a total of 182 unbuffed fire spell power I believe

+20 from potion, +10 from bloodthistle...202 fire spell power? :3
I bet. Sounds like if you fight one of these glass cannon builds, you either kill him easily or he attacks you first first and you die in seconds.
Using [ITEM]Chipped Power Core[/ITEM], [ITEM]Elixir of Firepower[/ITEM], and [ITEM]Bloodthistle[/ITEM] you will have 224 Fire damage, without BoA staff. Assuming it crits it should hit for up to 680 damage, which will half-shot most twinks.
Spooksters said:
Yup - ~680 WITHOUT berserker...now imagine berserker buff and double debuff on a FC...drooool

1768 crits. (680 * 1.3 * 2). 1776 with BoA staff. Since you're Horde there is a nice chance to get Rallying Cry of the Dragonslayer which will boost your crit from 5% to something like 12% (I think). And god help the alliance if you manage to get Warchief's Blessing, which will drop your Fireball cast down to 2 seconds.
Spooksters said:
Can also use Glyph of Fireball (ahh boohoo no dot) but 5% extra crit is pretty nice

With Cry of the Dragonslayer (which is almost always up for Horde [QQ moar alliance]), That's almost 20% crit chance.
I want to see a mage pull this off lol .. anyone want to stand strong for me and set this situation up in one of those "practice premades TI sets up?"

By the way BoA SP trink gives 7Sp not 6 so it is 14SP right there

I am going to be useing bloodthistle and the firepower pot I have hundreds of each.

And I forgot about the Power core I got one of those as well [=

I forgot who said 200Sp unbuffed isn't gonna happen, Yea I didn't mean unbuffed, that was my bad on that part xD

But I will keep everybody up to date with this [=

But keep the posts comeing o_O

Also, how much crit did skinning give at level 19 with 150skinning? (Sorry I R Dumb xD )

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