Welfare max armor/str arms warrior.


Would this setup actually work decently? I have all the boe's already. My thoughts were to avoid the leather gear and go for only mail because it's more armor and I just hate the idea in general of using it on a warrior. The goal is also to not spend a lot of money and be able to make a level 19 twink cheaply without having a level 60 main.


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I am sorry if this is low-key hi-jacking your post (but I don't see anybody replying anyhow). While your strategy may work, I think you can make a pretty close to BiS twink 19 Shaman for a very affordable rate. While 19 Shamans don't bruise very hard, they provide:
  • Purge
  • Earthbound Totem
  • Earth Shock
Which are all pretty valuable to team fights and killing EFCs.

Here is what I plan on doing on my friend's server where I will not have a 60:

Literally every piece is a BoP except the Engineering helm. And none of the enchantments are over 10g except for +7 Strength to gloves. Should just take a few days of fishing to fund the enchants. Then maybe eventually I'll work my way up to an Evocator's Blade with 22 Intellect or something.


For your situation, if you just want a 2H Warrior with Mail only gear that looks fine. Most of the power of 19 Twinks comes from enchantments anyway since they provide so much stats/dmg relative to the gear. I'd also pick up Runic Darkblade. I haven't run the #s, but it is slightly better than Night Reaver. However, most Warriors seem to eschew it for Deadskull Shield.

Otherwise, I think the 29 Bracket is pretty easy on Warriors for BiS. You can probably get a more competitive warrior without BiS enchants since the warrior itemization is pretty good.
Generally speaking stacking armor is not too good on Warriors. Armor only helps vs a select few classes and the more you get - the worse it becomes. With a 2-Hander, 100 Armor is usually going to give about 2.5% damage reduction. If you compare that to Blackened Defias Chest, which gives 6 additional stamina it becomes clear armor is not the way to go. Take a 2H-build with 1400 health, 6 stamina would add 60 health which equals roughly 4.2% survivability vs all classes.


I'd say go for something like that if you can manage the dungeon gear.

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