Hey everyone, this weekend i am going to be hosting a weekend WSG event.
What will we be doing?
On all different days we will do different things.
Friday 8/24 - Achievements. These include Warsong Expedience (Win in under 7 minutes)
Ironman (in a single game carry and cap the flag 3 times) - Everyone who shows will be getting this.
We will also try for most people to get "Quick Cap" Throughout the course of the day we will be doing various other achievements. This is mainly going to be for getting rep with the Warsong Outrider. These will be fast games. On FRIDAY 8/24 WE WILL NOT BE HK FARMING.
Saturday 8/25 - HK farming. This is pretty straight forward we'll be farming hks for most of the day
Sunday 8/26 - Free choice. We will be deciding as a group on what we would all like to do.
For all of these events if you are not on Bleeding Hollow Horde side you must add my realid. If you are on BH send me a whisper and i'll be sure to get you a spot.
YOU MUST have skype
YOU MUST have preform avenabler
YOU MUST be geared (aka not 900hp)
YOU MUST be horde
I really want this weekend to go well. If you need my realid please pm me for it on TwinkInfo. After i tell you it when you send the request put in what you are. (Dps / Tank /Heals
Thanks. I hope to see a lot of you out there!
What will we be doing?
On all different days we will do different things.
Friday 8/24 - Achievements. These include Warsong Expedience (Win in under 7 minutes)
Ironman (in a single game carry and cap the flag 3 times) - Everyone who shows will be getting this.
We will also try for most people to get "Quick Cap" Throughout the course of the day we will be doing various other achievements. This is mainly going to be for getting rep with the Warsong Outrider. These will be fast games. On FRIDAY 8/24 WE WILL NOT BE HK FARMING.
Saturday 8/25 - HK farming. This is pretty straight forward we'll be farming hks for most of the day
Sunday 8/26 - Free choice. We will be deciding as a group on what we would all like to do.
For all of these events if you are not on Bleeding Hollow Horde side you must add my realid. If you are on BH send me a whisper and i'll be sure to get you a spot.
YOU MUST have skype
YOU MUST have preform avenabler
YOU MUST be geared (aka not 900hp)
YOU MUST be horde
I really want this weekend to go well. If you need my realid please pm me for it on TwinkInfo. After i tell you it when you send the request put in what you are. (Dps / Tank /Heals
Thanks. I hope to see a lot of you out there!