Wedding on Aerie Peak: A F2P Love Story


Why hello all. This is an idea for an upcoming video (different to the DMF video)

Alliance and Horde of Aerie Peak are going to come together and celebrate the union of two loving F2Ps (who shall not be named at this point in time).

Location of the wedding:
TBA, but I'm currently thinking Shattrath as a neutral location so Alli and Horde can both attend (also shows F2Ps in outland ^_^). Suggestions welcome.

TBA, but thinking the next DMF because lots of people will be online during the week.

Theme song/background music for video:
The cheesiest love songs you can think of (think 80s, 90s). I NEED SUGGESTIONS.

Dress code (just a guideline - makes the wedding look better/more legit. If you have the pieces, WEAR THEM!):

Male toons should wear something similar to the following:
Blue Dinner Suit - Item - World of Warcraft
Purple Dinner Suit - Item - World of Warcraft
Red Dinner Suit - Item - World of Warcraft
(From Lovers in the Air)

Festive Black Pant Suit - Item - World of Warcraft
Festival Suit - Item - World of Warcraft
Festive Blue Pant Suit - Item - World of Warcraft
Festive Teal Pant Suit - Item - World of Warcraft
(From Lunar Festival) Brewfest Hats and Regalia
(From Brewfest)

Female toons should wear something similar to these:
Lovely Black Dress - Item - World of Warcraft
Lovely Blue Dress - Item - World of Warcraft
Lovely Purple Dress - Item - World of Warcraft
Lovely Red Dress - Item - World of Warcraft
(From Lovers in the Air)

Festive Green Dress - Item - World of Warcraft
Festive Pink Dress - Item - World of Warcraft
Festive Purple Dress - Item - World of Warcraft
(From Lunar Festival)

Brewfest Dress
(From Brewfest)

Alliance females can also consider:
Journeyman's Robe - Item - World of Warcraft (World drop)

Horde females can also consider:
Buccaneer's Robes - Item - World of Warcraft (World drop)

*** But it's fine if you crossdress ***

Things EVERYONE should bring to the wedding checklist:

Companion pet (any of the following):
Peddlefeet - Spell - World of Warcraft (From Lovers in the Air)
Festival Lantern - Item - World of Warcraft (From Lunar Festival, for Hordes)
Lunar Lantern - Item - World of Warcraft (From Lunar Festival, for Alliance) (Westfall Chicken, from Cluck! quest - both factions can get) (Brown Rabbit, 10g from Netherstorm dealer)

Swift Lovebird - Item - World of Warcraft (From Lovers in the Air)
Red Hawkstrider (from Silvermoon Rep, Horde) (brown horse mounts from Stormwind Rep, Alliance)

Off-hand frills:
Red Rose - Item - World of Warcraft and/or Beautiful Wildflowers - Item - World of Warcraft (Bought from the following NPCs: Beautiful Wildflowers - Item - World of Warcraft)

Fun item:
Romantic Picnic Basket - Item - World of Warcraft (from Lovers in the Air)
Brewfest Pony Keg (from Brewfest, we need to get SMASHED at this Wedding!!!)

I'm hoping some APs still have Elder's Moonstone - Item - World of Warcraft left from Lunar Festival, they'll be great for shining on the Bride + Groom.

Also I would love your suggestions. Please leave comments here!
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LOLOL i love how theres a dress code
It's a nice idea, I will definitely try to attend that. Will need to procure a nice dress before that, and if it's only a Dark Green Wedding Hanbok. And actually it wouldn't make any difference to me if it was a gay wedding.

It's probably a blessing Aerie Peak isn't a PvP server, but I think it's also a pity. Having a deathmatch at the end to celebrate the wedding would be sweet. Maybe hold a free-for-all afterparty in the Ring of Trials or Circle of Blood?
I like the idea of doing the wedding somwhere in Outland. It's a beautiful place.
Song suggestions eh? Depends on what kind of cheesy you want. If we are going for the serious and thus ironic humor we could use some of these...

Well we need some wedding marches so heres a few to pick from:
EMI TANABE performs 'Wedding March' by Mendelssohn - YouTube (Originally done on piano, I just prefer violin) Mendelssohn Wedding March
Wagner's Bridal Chorus (Pipe Organ Solo) - YouTube Wagner's Wedding March
Pachelbel Canon in D Major Perfect Version - YouTube (Classiest imo) Pachelbel's Cannon in D

Other songs are really just the kind of mood you want such as:
At Last-Etta James - YouTube Etta James - At Last
Righteous Brothers - Unchained Melody (High Quality) - YouTube Unchained Melody

If the union is between a Blood Elf and a Tauren what else better but:
Disney's Beauty and the Beast Theme Song - YouTube Beauty and the Beast

If you want any more suggestions let me know!
Can we please get a battle after the wedding? For covering the divorce part, with some nasty music ofc.
purse are you ok with me recording this also? i wont make a specific video about this event ( or i might but probably not ) I might include some of this into other future videos that ill be making.
I say the bride and groom ride off into the sunset.

Romantic music tapering off, alliance and horde staring at each other in awkward silence.

Possibly an exchange of some gestures.

Free for all massacre in RP clothing with appropriate music. (Possibly with head, neck, cloak, rings and trinkets with stats allowed, nothing else.)

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