
Llare said:
Sure they lack the survivability they had, perhaps Prot needs a Talented Shield Block.

Up their damage a tad again, add Intercept + Hamstring; and they have all the utility they need.

Hehe - Well never the less, their current situation in compared to other classes are quite dire. Gotta respect Examiner for keep on fighting it out :p (I quit on that project, I know, I'm a wuss :() Just too nerfed for me you know.
lindenkron said:
Hehe - Well never the less, their current situation in compared to other classes are quite dire. Gotta respect Examiner for keep on fighting it out :p (I quit on that project, I know, I'm a wuss :() Just too nerfed for me you know.

Indeed, wishful thinking still; I'd just rather have a few more Warriors in BGs. Instead of Arcane Mages and Hunters derping around, like Sub Rogues and Holy Paladins did 4.0.1-3.
Rivfader said:
I love how the day I get my first hat it gets nerfed. BoA helms are gonna be fucking stupid.

Tis how Blizzard are crafting the game to @ lower levels. BoAs in general, eventually, are GOING to be fucking stupid. Can't help it.
lindenkron said:
That was only equal to a level '40' helmet, according to your own statement. You're not making any sense here mate. I think we should just do as you want; nerf all items that are higher than item level 25. I mean, they don't really fit a level 19 now do they? :')

He didn't say it was equal to a level 40 helmet, it was a cloth helm with more armor then a level 40 plate one. The Item level was actually 115.
Quelfep said:
offered .

Yes - Offered. What's up with you and correcting / quoting random things from me these days. Have a problem with me of some kind? In which case, please speak up. Passive aggressive for a longer period of time is quite disturbing.

Best regards,
lindenkron said:
Yes - Offered. What's up with you and correcting / quoting random things from me these days? Have a problem with me of some kind? In which case, please speak up. Passive aggressive for a longer period of time is quite disturbing.

Best regards,

i fixed it for you
yeap hat nerfed 1 day after i got lucky.

i have always said blizzard and wanna be brown noser suck ups...scour sites like this for items to nerf, loopholes to close
I have this on 2 toons and I'm glad as well as not very surprised this happened. Hunters and Arcane Mages dealt enough damage as is without the stam stacking that has been going on lately.
This was a positive change. Sheer luck is a horrendous way to get an item that is game breaking. Although I never got that hat and wanted it so badly, it just wasn't fair.
Lmfao, I still FC as an ele shaman!

And lmfao, this is no different than things like Darkmoon Weapons and Enti's Sword. It was extremely easy to obtain - and very over powered - THATS why it got nerfed.

The comparisons to AGM and furbolg pouch are weak.

ur garb

why anyone would want an item which improves the state of the bracket significantly (once obtained - which was easy) removed is beyond me.
stickymitten said:
ur garb

why anyone would want an item which improves the state of the bracket significantly (once obtained - which was easy) removed is beyond me.

Improves? Please.... If you truely believe that, then you are dillusional.

And obviously the GMs agreed with me, I don't really give a fuck if you do or not. Who are you anyway? Right.
SSB64 said:
Improves? Please.... If you truely believe that, then you are dillusional.

And obviously the GMs agreed with me, I don't really give a fuck if you do or not. Who are you anyway? Right.

Damn canadians are mean. o.o;
SSB64 said:
Improves? Please.... If you truely believe that, then you are dillusional.

And obviously the GMs agreed with me, I don't really give a fuck if you do or not. Who are you anyway? Right.

how can slowing down the bracket degrade it? coordinated damage still easily drops almost any target, while the WBFH helped make pubbie games a bit more bearable. sure, you had ridiculous 3k+ flag carriers sometimes, but you also didn't have people dropping in just a hunter's focus bar or an shadowstep ambush/evisc combo pre 4.03a
Startled said:
Damn canadians are mean. o.o;

Nah, I'm just an e-thug.

And I actually thought people would be stoked on this - but obviously the bracket has had a recent surge of WBFH crutching.

cor154 said:
how can slowing down the bracket degrade it? coordinated damage still easily drops almost any target, while the WBFH helped make pubbie games a bit more bearable. sure, you had ridiculous 3k+ flag carriers sometimes, but you also didn't have people dropping in just a hunter's focus bar or an shadowstep ambush/evisc combo pre 4.03a

I agree hunters damage at the moment is far too high, I disagree with the rogue damage (what class do you play? rogues are easy to shrug off these days unless you have multiple DPS on you)

People shouldnt be able to survive multiple DPS anyway... And healers are still very capable of keeping people up through coordinated damage.

Just because 1 class needs a damage nerf, doesn't mean the bracket should have a rediculous item causing problems for everybody else.
SSB64 said:
I agree hunters damage at the moment is far too high, I disagree with the rogue damage (what class do you play? rogues are easy to shrug off these days unless you have multiple DPS on you)

People shouldnt be able to survive multiple DPS anyway... And healers are still very capable of keeping people up through coordinated damage.

Just because 1 class needs a damage nerf, doesn't mean the bracket should have a rediculous item causing problems for everybody else.

rogues aren't a problem at all now, no - but sticking with the wotlk mentality of spamming damage being the only proper way to succeed is superbly silly. the 19 bracket is severely limited in the tools available to them, only recently helped along by the talent rehaul, so anything that helps make the game a bit more methodical and paced is a good thing, i think

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