We all know Hunters are OP... are they the best duelers though?


kites melee, pets that cc, hit like a truck. ,
Paladins will usually beat hunters, unless they are both bad then the hunter would win.
Most healers will win if they play defensive enough and don't get caught off guard.
Priests Rshams and hpallys can all beat them. Rshams dps lacks so they're prolly the worst off and priests can/should beat them in almost every situation.
I beat just about every caster on my hunter, and don't lose to hunters on my casters.. sooo

A BM Hunter with Moth can shut down Hpal and Rsham without LoS, no questions.

Priest is favored in a Hunt v Priest duel because a Priest can MB+Penance the pet down within the first bubble, and just outlast the hunter from there.
Bubble, Mindblast, and Penance make me feel like an expert Discipline Priest could beat every single class/spec consistently, but I may be way off.
Bubble, Mindblast, and Penance make me feel like an expert Discipline Priest could beat every single class/spec consistently, but I may be way off.

Not enough DPS or interrupts to take down an Hpal who is conservative, and he will out mana you, do solely to renew. Renew is slightly costly, and you must stay above 900 HP vs an Hpal or they will take you down with HoJ 3xExo+HS.

It's also difficult to take down other Rshams, but they often waste a lot of mana and globals on purge spam and totem reapplications. Enh sham out right rape Priest.
Ret does far more damage than prot. Prot spends the entire fight trying to heal through the damage. I've had some long 1v1s with prot paladins and never lost. They will trinket out of the first stun. They shouldn't be able to kill you on stun lock so save your own trinket for emergencies. The key is not getting over confident and letting your own health get too low because the moment you do they will will stun/shield/racial and you're dead. Of course if you play strategically and make sure you stun them with trinket on CD and their health low enough to beat them on stunlock, ideally with full holy power so you can TV, CS, exo, exo, CS, then the win is yours. If you can't beat them on stunlock they will eventually run OOM and ret will not.
Sorry kale, but, that really isn't true. With vengeance, i'm over 400 ap, doing about 130 dps. I will easily get you to around 800 hp, stun you, forcing you to trinket. 50 seconds later, I'll do it again and kill you in 2 exos and an AS. 50% mitigation, 15% stamina, 170 extra attack power, Flashes that heal for 575, 10 seconds off HoL and a silence are more than enough to dominate anything that comes my way. You haven't played against a good prot paladin. I only know of 3 good protadins in this bracket, laglol, fakeit, and myself. I formally challenge you to come at me bro.
Sorry kale, but, that really isn't true. With vengeance, i'm over 400 ap, doing about 130 dps. I will easily get you to around 800 hp, stun you, forcing you to trinket. 50 seconds later, I'll do it again and kill you in 2 exos and an AS. 50% mitigation, 15% stamina, 170 extra attack power, Flashes that heal for 575, 10 seconds off HoL and a silence are more than enough to dominate anything that comes my way. You haven't played against a good prot paladin. I only know of 3 good protadins in this bracket, laglol, fakeit, and myself. I formally challenge you to come at me bro.

Wait till vengeance get's nerfed, buh bye prot pallies

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