Ways to get my crit up?

Well, I'm just about finished with my Ret Paladin. I'm waiting for an Ogron's Sash to appear on the AH, and while I'd like to think I'll find a Pendulum of Doom I know it won't happen.

Eitehr way, I have 22.66% crit and I've seen other twinks with 30%+! I was wondering if anyone has some tips what I could do?

I'd like to put a Libram of Constitution on my head for the extra health, instead of the Agility one but I guess I'm not really sure.

Armory in sig.
aquamarine signet of the tiger

wsg neck

scorpashi cape

robes of the lich

35 agi to weapon

philosophers stone
im sitting atm in 39 bracket with my ret pally, crit around 30% and 700+ atck power ub, even with some regular survivality

but in my opinion is crit around 20% okay, you want to boost your atck power more cause it increase dmg from seal of command and judgement too, my judgements crits are around 550+ and seal around 500+, weapon crit depend on targets armor but never seen less than 500 even on prot warrior


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