Aintabanka Legend Jan 27, 2013 #1 Yo I've been gone for a while but I forgot to make a trendy TI post on it, so yeah leaving for a while, wow boring ect ect irl commitments ect Sneaky #1 R.I.P Shinobi. peace tinkes <3
Yo I've been gone for a while but I forgot to make a trendy TI post on it, so yeah leaving for a while, wow boring ect ect irl commitments ect Sneaky #1 R.I.P Shinobi. peace tinkes <3
Sneaky Legend Jan 27, 2013 #2 I was wondering what happened to you. I got Shinobi back, so yeah. Goodbye and enjoy your leave while it lasts.
I was wondering what happened to you. I got Shinobi back, so yeah. Goodbye and enjoy your leave while it lasts.
OP OP Aintabanka Legend Jan 27, 2013 #3 I will be back. When, I do not know. But thankfully, Shinobi is here to grace the monk tinkes of the worlde.
I will be back. When, I do not know. But thankfully, Shinobi is here to grace the monk tinkes of the worlde.