Warsong Gulch

Yes people always complain, but I think it's Blizzard's fault for not balancing them properly. Everyone can one-shot my pure f2p mage twink. The restrictions that put the free players behind "veterans" are just unfair, and as said before, que up as a fully heirloomed and enchanted druid/monk/disc-priest/rogue and you will one-shot anything. 2-shot anything if you're a hunter. Scaling is HORRIBLE and heirlooms are insanely OP even when compared to Epics.

All I can do is hope Legion will balance all of this out with PvP gear removal.

All part of their master plan to get people to purchase the game. Many people went Vet.

The game is built on progression and end goals. If you had no pot of gold(gear) at the end of that rainbow(dungeon) would you run to the end of it? Probably not...
Most people would just sit in town crying " I'm bored! There is nothing to do!"

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All part of their master plan to get people to purchase the game. Many people went Vet.

The game is built on progression and end goals. If you had no pot of gold(gear) at the end of that rainbow(dungeon) would you run to the end of it? Probably not...
Most people would just sit in town crying " I'm bored! There is nothing to do!"


What does that have to do with what I said? What I meant is that people who really are testing the game before buying it will see how bad it is at low levels and just leave forever. This has NOTHING to do with rewards. Say Jimmy was looking for a good MMO and found WoW. Downloaded the starter edition and began leveling. He reaches level 10 and starts his first bg to see people trying to report him afk for not having heirlooms. He is one-shotted by everyone but he moves on and reaches the next bracket, level 20. Now he's locked in that level, after a long que time he starts the bg to find it FILLED with druids of the opposite faction.. it was a premade. He is given a bad image of this game will stop, delete it and never play again, he would think that the end-game is really bad because of imbalance issues and boring dungeons.
You can't blame a company because of the immature acts of their users.

To answer your question. The restrictions are in place partly to give a player a taste of the game. That is it. Plain and simple. It was never intended for someone to play forever. But it morphed into that.
You can blame many of the restrictions on gold farmers.
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This thread is just SSDD.
Years ago it was hunters and rogues. Then just hunters. Then rogues bitching about hunters. Then hunters bitching about rogues. Then it was shadow priest. Then it was ALL 24's. Then it was holy Paladins. Back to hunters and rogues and eye patch crutching Alliance players. Somewhere along the line people bitched and moaned about healers couldn't be killed so they got nerfed to the state they are in now so that no one plays them. So now people bitch that we have no healers. Lest we forget people bitching and moaning about prot Paladins and prot warriors. Then all level 29's. At one time it was level 20's that were not pure enough for other level 20's.( Sound familiar EU?)Then even after level 20 forum got split up because of it. How sad. Segregation of level 20's...
The point being. You people just love to bitch and whine. The game could be perfectly tuned like a well oiled machine and you all would find a fault with it. It is in your nature. The victim mentality's nature....
"Oh woe is me! The world is out to get me! What will I ever do?!"

Didn't read the whole thread I admit. But I love you.
What does that have to do with what I said? What I meant is that people who really are testing the game before buying it will see how bad it is at low levels and just leave forever. This has NOTHING to do with rewards. Say Jimmy was looking for a good MMO and found WoW. Downloaded the starter edition and began leveling. He reaches level 10 and starts his first bg to see people trying to report him afk for not having heirlooms. He is one-shotted by everyone but he moves on and reaches the next bracket, level 20. Now he's locked in that level, after a long que time he starts the bg to find it FILLED with druids of the opposite faction.. it was a premade. He is given a bad image of this game will stop, delete it and never play again, he would think that the end-game is really bad because of imbalance issues and boring dungeons.

I didn't want to play with Jimmy anyway.
I love playing against 29 pugmades with Lenny <3

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