Yes people always complain, but I think it's Blizzard's fault for not balancing them properly. Everyone can one-shot my pure f2p mage twink. The restrictions that put the free players behind "veterans" are just unfair, and as said before, que up as a fully heirloomed and enchanted druid/monk/disc-priest/rogue and you will one-shot anything. 2-shot anything if you're a hunter. Scaling is HORRIBLE and heirlooms are insanely OP even when compared to Epics.
All I can do is hope Legion will balance all of this out with PvP gear removal.
All part of their master plan to get people to purchase the game. Many people went Vet.
The game is built on progression and end goals. If you had no pot of gold(gear) at the end of that rainbow(dungeon) would you run to the end of it? Probably not...
Most people would just sit in town crying " I'm bored! There is nothing to do!"
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