warriors/pallys MOP


how are the new changes? thinking of trying a month out. how's the pvp in the bracket now? How are warriors and paladins fairing nowadays? Changes= more balance or less balance? Just curious of what everyone thinks so far.
LESS BALANCE. All healers have a considerable buff. Druids are OP now and almost impossible to kill. HPallies are also OP i can crit 1.2k with an instant cast and heal +2k with my Holy Pally. Hunters now suck because healers cant go oom and all healing spells have been buffed. My Fury Warrior is now trash they took out howling roar so you have no slow, the added pummel which allows you to interrupt a spell cast but it is no consolation. You MUST roll Arms if you want to even have a chance to get a kill on a warrior I used to drop 30-50 kills a game yesterday my first game I had 0 kills 2nd game I had 1 kill. But I would recommend balance Druid and Holy Paladin because they are both way to OP. BTW Rogues now dont have backstab they have hemorrhage and they dont have sinister strike, besides ambush its all DoT from poison or hemorrhage. On top of that no Shadowstep so your chance to crit is only your base crit rating. Nonetheless I did crit 1.5k the other day and that was only in one game. But then again no Sprint or Vanish... Then they add movement speed increases to almost all classes its just not fair... IDK that's my rant on about the how the bracket looks now haha. Hope this helps and Isn't TMI lol O and you can now charge in combat! That is huge but again you need to be Arms if you want to do any damage.
I'm enjoying it thoroughly. Yes healing and holy pally damage is pretty ridiculous. (was one shot by a 20 when I had 4 stacks up) but this hasn't stopped me from enjoying it. With the lack of burst killing healers is a chore but everyone isnt being burned down super fast either and the gap between 20-24 seems to be closed a bit. I'd say once the healing is toned down slightly and holyshock gets fixed MoP could be great for this bracket and 19s, maybe more but those are all I've played since I resubbed. Do hope they up furys damage a bit, I'm fine with arms having the burst, that makes sense. Fury's dps is just nonexistent though. Still fun finally being able to charge in combat. Satisfied with changes I just hope a small change is made to buff fury damage at this level. But until then arms and prot are good fun and I'm finally enjoying playing warrior without the feeling of dread when entering combat before getting a charge off. Also played my ret pal, was very fun as well.
Warriors are more mobile now. They lost their snare, but gained interrupt and incombat charge.

Holy Shock is broken atm, but that will be fixed. Healing is also a bit too strong, but was recently toned down and I hope they tone it down a bit more.

Things are moving in the right direction for the most part.

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