Warriors nerfed to the ground!



I was shocked with warriors... they got so badly nerfed... no warrior dont cry... everything is gonna be alright. (HOPE)
Spriests still the same.
Retpalas still doing less damage then holy and prot.
Elemental Shaman/Balance druid damage increased... fair enough.
Penance dmg fixed... /applaud.
And now u heal same amount in bg and outside bg.

Shit Happens: Bajheera - Good Thing They Nerfed Warriors XD - WoW WTF Moments :)

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Oh Blizz... you kill me.

Over and over and over...

Warriors suck so bad and they keep beating them into the ground.

Could you imagine warriors being the flavor of the month? Warriors OP FTW.
It's a PVE nerf and like always PVE nerfs effect both PVE and PVP players.

Nothing new to see here though.
If that's the price for buffing elemental shams I pay it gladly.

*deletes lvl 11 warryarr project*
It could be worse, warriors could be doing the un-Godly damage they were doing at the beginning of Cata. I was in a bg recently and from what i've seen warrior damage (at least at this lvl) is pretty decent.
Oh yes we should all farm rage potions for the lack of rage ........that would solve everything......goood reply !

Let me freshen things for all of you on what warriors would need right now in order to be competitive :

- unlimited rage
- AOE slow
- bleed
- 30-40% more dmg on all abilites ( atleast )

For those of you who don't know this ,warriors lost ''hit/crit/bleed/slow/shout/throw/rage''

If you were to have 100 000 HP,you'd still loose against a pala/priest/druid - now how can that be ?

But instead blizz buffs up prot spec and everyone goes ''weeeell... go tank spec now buddy '' - sure we will,after all prot spec is made for pvp-ing..... ?!?!?

Skill itself is no longer enough when you've got nothing to work with.

Druids and palas have become uncatchable and when you get a 3 sec window to hurt them you can only use mortal strike and slam after the charge,then you jump around like a useless idiot till your next mortal comes off CD due to lack of rage.

Hey hey !!! enough with the QQ already !!! you've finaly gotten the charge,i mean what else do you need ?!?!? - great now we can charge you gangnam style......

On this pathetic lvl 20 you have more CC then in TBC,you can get stun locked for 30 sec if they wanted to......ON A LVL 20 ?!?!?!

It's funny watching all the usual useless idiots rolling druids/palas and rest FOTM's now,they play so nice in the middle and are still as useless as ever......so best regards to the scrubs that rolled hunters till M.O.P and are now feeling high and mighty with their 240 % run speed.
Do tell........where are hunters now ?

Wow that felt great !

cheers peeps.
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blizzard can never fix paladins.In cata ,holy paladins just threw me into rage its like..how OP can you get, you needed 4 DPS just to down those ''things'' properly. now its 2x times worse.

But hey...and Pummel only 24s get it..imagine a 20 warrior
Let's analyze the nerfs and discuss how they affect warriors in our bracket:

On Sept 20th
Mortal Strike now does 165% weapon damage (down from 185%).
Overpower now does 105% weapon damage (down from 120%)
Slam now does 190% weapon damage (down from 215%).
Raging Blow now does 190% weapon damage (down from 215%),
Bloodthirst now does 90% weapon damage (down from 100%).
Wild Strike now does 195% weapon damage (down from 220%).

On Sept 25th

Wild Strike damage has been increased by 18%.
Execute damage has been decreased by 7%.
Mortal Strike damage has been increased by 5%.

So... the damage?

Execute down 7%


Warriors are fine. Warriors in our bracket continue to tell me they have a lot of fun.
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Now lets analyze and disucuss the things you have mentioned :

On sept 20'th portion- it doesn't matter how much precentage is given wether it's 100% or 10000% ( those are just zeros they throw around ) ,and here's why :

all these precentages are viable in a PVE matter not the PVPone ! everyone got 40% base ressilience so your hits do 40% less damage in pvp,so the precentage doesn't apply the way it is quoted.

On sept 25'th - oh yes they buffed something that is 2-3 times weaker then the rest by 5-10 %-give me a break !

It's like giving a thirsty man the rain to drink......

It doesn't even take to play one to see the diff between all these precentages and the real deal,you can see it for yourself when playing beside them or against them,how blind do you have to be not to notice something that obvius ?!?


Warriors are fine.

Sure they are , i mean you obviusly play one right ?
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its not the fact that there is like 30%less damage, but the fact that im hitting 300-400 on cloth and 200 on plate.
Its the fact that healers have infinite mana and they can dps and heal. Rogues/druids/spriests dont even go there
On a pimped out 24.I had trouble dpsing Jsu8s f2p shaman..im surprised he managed to lose both times with...infinite mana,And druids will rape ur warrior so hard ..just like in cata.Have I mentioned only 24s have overpower and pummel.Imagine a f2p warrior,
its not the fact that its 7% damage less, but the fact that im hitting 300-400 on cloth and 200 on plate.
Its the fact that healers have infinite mana and they can dps and heal. Rogues/druids/spriests dont even go there
On a pimped out 24.I had trouble dpsing Jsu8s f2p shaman..im surprised he managed to lose both times with...infinite mana

Yeah its kinda hard when 25% of my attacks miss and you hitting 500 every time....
24 warriors are fine because they have pummel.
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Now lets analyze and disucuss the things you have mentioned :

On sept 20'th portion- it doesn't matter how much precentage is given wether it's 100% or 10000% ( those are just zeros they throw around ) ,and here's why :

all these precentages are viable in a PVE matter not the PVPone ! everyone got 40% base ressilience so your hits do 40% less damage in pvp,so the precentage doesn't apply the way they are quoted.

On sept 25'th - oh yes they buffed something that is 2-3 times weaker then the rest by 5-10 %-give me a break !

It's like giving a thirsty man the rain to drink......

It doesn't even take to play one to see the diff between all these precentages and the real deal,you can see it for yourself when playing beside them or against them,how blind do you have to be not to notice something that obvius ?!?


Warriors are fine.

Sure they are , i mean you obviusly play one right ?

Erm, I have been playing alongside warriors plenty and I've seen they're a lot better at what they do now than they were in Cata. Everyone's attacks got affected by the 40% base resilience, not just warriors. However, Warriors have still shown to have some of the best finishing power in our bracket. I'll fight alongside a warrior in battle any day, and I watch them smash the hell out of people. All you have to do is keep them alive and give them a little support.

I have friends that play warrior that are loving it right now. With a pocket healer they have more fun than they ever did in Cata.

People need to stop looking at Cata for their baseline damage. The 40% resilience in pvp is fine. Battles are longer and it takes more teamwork and coordination to take a position, but Warriors in our bracket have more of a role than they ever did in Cata to do that.

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