Warriors, and a few questions about the bracket.


Hi, recently my attention was caught by this little level 57 - gnome warrior I had from wotlk times. Naturally I was thinking of twinking it - but the problem is that "from my expirience" warriors don't tend to exactly be "top-dogs" of the twinking brackets (excluding 54s and 78s). My question is - is it worth to twink it in this bracket?

If yes, what specs are "playable"? I can play all specs, and have most macros a semi hardcore - pvp warriors should have. My favorite spec is arms though, however I enjoy beeing fury and prot too.

What level is best for me? 60 or 64 (or maybe 61,62,63???)?

The proffesions I currently have on my warrior is mining/engi(sonic booster ftw btw :3) - both maxed, but if there is a better mix of proffesions for maxed dps please tell me.

Lastly, how is the que times?
I'm as far as you can get from a great twink or anything, so I can't answer a lot of your questions. I can tell you that prot warriors are pretty amazing at this level. Popping shield wall and last stand making you a killing force. I've chain killed 5 people in AV and taken bases in AB with three guards by myself. I'd tell you to give it a shot at the very least.
Nice to hear that brothers-in-arms are doing good atleast in this bracket. Although, how is arms?
I haven't done too much with it, but it seems to be kind of a glass cannon to some extent. I can easily rush in, throw around a mortal strike and rend, drop massive slam crits on people finishing them quickly, but if it's a group of more than one or two I found big issues surviving.
Prot is decent, and the double charge helps alot vs. kiting classes.

Prot Damage if pretty good, and you have the required surviveability Arms and Fury doesn't have.

Your professions are pretty good, engi is great fun at 60 and if you at some point decide to go 62/64 you'll have acces to goggles as well.

I'd go for Prot if I were you, both because that's the spec I've played 80% of the time I've spent at 60 and because It got the best mix of dmg and surviveability.

Overall: The class isn't nearly as powerful as it was in Wrath, but can be devestating if played right and especially with a healer/dispeller to get rid of slows etc.
Sad that they are nerfing veng - blood dks are the main cause of it anyway. Would have been so much easier to nerf blood-dks "weapon damage" istead of veng.

Oh well - guess we have to stack bold gems now - just like the old days.

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