Warrior Tips and Tricks (Living Document)

The TLDR sun TLDR did TLDR not TLDR shine. TLDR it TLDR was TLDR too TLDR wet TLDR to TLDR play. TLDR so TLDR we TLDR sat TLDR in TLDR the TLDR house TLDR all TLDR that TLDR cold, TLDR cold, TLDR wet TLDR day.

i TLDR sat TLDR there TLDR with TLDR sally. TLDR we TLDR sat TLDR there, TLDR we TLDR two. TLDR and TLDR i TLDR said, TLDR 'how TLDR i TLDR wish TLDR we TLDR had TLDR something TLDR to TLDR do!'

too TLDR wet TLDR to TLDR go TLDR out TLDR and TLDR too TLDR cold TLDR to TLDR play TLDR ball. TLDR so TLDR we TLDR sat TLDR in TLDR the TLDR house. TLDR we TLDR did TLDR nothing TLDR at TLDR all.

so TLDR all TLDR we TLDR could TLDR do TLDR was TLDR to TLDR sit! TLDR sit! TLDR sit! TLDR sit! TLDR and TLDR we TLDR did TLDR not TLDR like TLDR it. TLDR not TLDR one TLDR little TLDR bit.

and TLDR then TLDR something TLDR went TLDR BUMP! TLDR how TLDR that TLDR bump TLDR made TLDR us TLDR jump! TLDR we TLDR looked! TLDR then TLDR we TLDR saw TLDR him TLDR step TLDR in TLDR on TLDR the TLDR mat! TLDRwe TLDR looked! TLDR and TLDR we TLDR saw TLDR him! TLDR the TLDR cat TLDR in TLDR the TLDR hat! TLDR and TLDR he TLDR said TLDR to TLDR us, TLDR 'why TLDR do TLDR you TLDR sit TLDR there TLDR like TLDR that?' TLDR 'i TLDR know TLDR it TLDR is TLDR wet TLDR and TLDR the TLDR sun TLDR is TLDR not TLDR sunny. TLDR but TLDR we TLDR can TLDR have TLDR lots TLDR of TLDR good TLDR fun TLDR that TLDR is TLDR funny!'

'i TLDR know TLDR some TLDR good TLDR games TLDR we TLDR could TLDR play,' TLDR said TLDR the TLDR cat. TLDR 'i TLDR know TLDR some TLDR new TLDR tricks,' TLDR said TLDR the TLDR cat TLDR in TLDR the TLDR hat. TLDR 'a TLDR lot TLDR of TLDR good TLDR tricks. TLDR i TLDR will TLDR show TLDR them TLDR to TLDR you. TLDR your TLDR mother TLDR ill TLDR not TLDR mind TLDR at TLDR all TLDR if TLDR i TLDR do.' TLDR

then TLDR sally TLDR and TLDR i TLDR did TLDR not TLDR know TLDR what TLDR to TLDR say. TLDR our TLDR mother TLDR was TLDR out TLDR of TLDR the TLDR house TLDR for TLDR the TLDR day.


TLDR; I can only write in acronyms, as TLDR; because according to Rosetta stone it is the hardest language to learn TLDR; I am happy that many other experienced forum users can respect my life crippling handicaps TLDR; I hope you all have a wonderful day TLDR; GodBless TLDR; Thanks Neebler(Frogturtle) for this TLDR; Inspiring post TLDR;
I had trouble reading this, could I get a TLDR for this post?

TLDR; too hard too read.
I would like to add two things as far as hamstring is concerned. When you are chasing a FC be it alone or with a group, sometimes they have a rogue defender. I hamstring the rogue defender and let the FC run a bit ahead so that I am not constantly being hit by the defender while keeping up with the FC; once the FC is 10 feet away from the said defender you can hamstring him and have both targets slowed while avoiding extra damage. Another is when you are fighting rogues rather than jumping through them and flicking your mouse to get a hamstring as they chase you (Say for instance you are a FC) just backstep for a foot while they are on your butt and hamstring. 90% of rogues don't react quick enough and you get a free hamstring without having to deal with either their evasion bonus or like you said earlier the chance of getting dodged or parried from the front. @Neebler
Good list Neeb' some additions
- switch 2h before overpower as much as possible (time it after weapon hit)
- spam demoshout to catch rogues (i often charge something near a rogue that just stealth and get them)
- your healers can get in combat by buffing / healing you while you use rage to avoid getting sap
- spirit gears works surprisingly well for warriors
- try agility stacking, found it worth it.
- often rogues try to spam gouge to engage, so you can try to predict it with shield block
- disarm hunters on charge before hamstring, this way they don't have time to snare you and you have all your time to hamstring
- lifesteal on 2hands is also pretty good against healers
- auto on pets when you can, get loads of rage and allow your heals to drink
- always use 2h when not taking to much damages as you get more rage out of it and can spam hamstring on more targets from it (I found that this resulted in better survivability when playing with healers)
- You can block arrows, so use shieldblock against hunters
- also try to switch to defensive stance to benefit from -10% damages taken when not in range
- try to get in the back to disarm when possible, use it to protect your heals (better against hunters and warrior since they can't snare them anymore and would show theyre back if they focus them)

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