Warrior stance+gems ?


the theory is as follows: a warrior full resi gemmed in battle stance will do more dmg than a warrior stacking power in def stance.
oh ye, this is purely for pvp ofc.
i havent really tryed out this yet as i am not a filthy ritch bastard >.<

thoughts: -lets just put a gemming full power vs full resi as an example cus individual chars gem/chant diffrently-
how mutch survivability will i loose if i set in battlestance with resi gems? does it eaven increase dmg taken?
dmg output will be alot more consistant as the rage gain in battleS is insane, but will the loss of burst make it viable?

i dont really want to start an argument over witch is best, i just want some thoughts on it.
I am by no means a pro, nor do I play a warrior, but just from trolling around different sites, I do know you should be in battle stance unless trained, and from my experience and reading resil out preforms power in the long run because you stay up longer therefor doing more damage.
the theory is as follows: a warrior full resi gemmed in battle stance will do more dmg than a warrior stacking power in def stance.
oh ye, this is purely for pvp ofc.
i havent really tryed out this yet as i am not a filthy ritch bastard >.<

thoughts: -lets just put a gemming full power vs full resi as an example cus individual chars gem/chant diffrently-
how mutch survivability will i loose if i set in battlestance with resi gems? does it eaven increase dmg taken?
dmg output will be alot more consistant as the rage gain in battleS is insane, but will the loss of burst make it viable?

i dont really want to start an argument over witch is best, i just want some thoughts on it.
Didn't bother to read tl;dr for me. So, a warrior should know how to stance dance, switching to def stance from battle stance while equipping a sword/shield and popping spell reflect/shield wall. If you're in the 85 bracket, a good suggestion would be to armory Thebigvirt. Warriors are insanely hard to kill if they stack resil/have second wind and have high HP
Deaconator, i wasn't thinking dmg over "the time you live" as mutch as i was thinking dmg done/taken over 3-4 globals... well sorta.. i cant formulate it properly.

Didn't bother to read tl;dr for me. So, a warrior should know how to stance dance, switching to def stance from battle stance while equipping a sword/shield and popping spell reflect/shield wall. If you're in the 85 bracket, a good suggestion would be to armory Thebigvirt. Warriors are insanely hard to kill if they stack resil/have second wind and have high HP

As you maby have noticed the 85 bracket is quite the bursty one and as a follow i quite often end up preffering the def stance and eaven more often feel forced out of def stance cus of enemy cd's comming up..
Second wind isn't as OP because it has low healing compared to damage values. It'll be the same in all twink brackets (%-based healing spells are awful for twinks)

But it's simple. Damage taken with low resi (say 55%, I've no idea how much cataclysmic DPS run with, I assume about 2set + a couple offset) means you take 45%. With def stance that 45% turns into 33.75% (patch 5.1, with 5.2 it's 38.25%). Roughly the equivalent of 66.25% resi (again pach 5.1, with 5.2 it becomes 61.75% resi). Any value above that from gear with battle stance means you'll take less damage whilst having considerably more rage. I don't know how arms works currently (not played my warrior in any spec other than prot post 5.X), but I'd assume the extra rage probably grants more damage than PvP power, with the added effect that you can then switch into def stance if you're dying - Which I assume you probably will be at some point.

My numbers are probably off, but it's not complicated math.
People Up here ^ Obviously dont play warrior :)

So my warrior Run right now full pvp power

next patch i will gem Full Resi due to Def stance nerf (10%Less)

Right now Def stance is way to good to neglect, and you should be in def stance 100% Of the time, the only time its okey for you to be in battle stance is if you meet a healer/dps where the dps either does to low dmg to be a issue, or train your healer 100%

(Personally when i see a warrior switching to battle stance in both 3s and 2s @ 85 and 90, you just start to setup a nuke if you have the cds, stuns and Cc)

25% Reduced dmg isnt like 7.5 dmg instead of 10, its 750 000 instead of 1 Million, My point is that its sooo much reduction, its more then the entire cataclysmic set's resi does.

And warrior on both 85 and 90 could work without Def stance, but you as a warrior need to be able to be consistent, dpsdps, make presure, follow behind pillars.

- In 2s go for Full pvp power with def stance 100%
-You loose alot of Survivability with resi gems and battle stance, and you gain close to no dmg, maybe even loose dmg.
-And you maybe gain more rage in battle stance, but thats not how Warriors burst now (Attack after attack after attack)

Warrior just has rng burst, and need alot of Rage control

MS>Overpower> If taste for blood> HS> Overpower> Continue with hs>op>hs if proccs
MS> Overpower>If not taste for blood with less then 90 Rage>Wait>Ms Continue
MS> Overpower>If not taste for blood with more then 90 rage> Slam x1

And just cause warriors dont really do dmg without procs you will gain full rage while waiting for this, which means you dont do more dmg in battle stance cause you have full from waiting
= the Pvp power helps that burst, even without pvp power gems you gain 25% Reduced dmg if someone switches to you, and gain no dmg during that dangerous burst.

Im incredebly bad in making my point fast!
A wild wall of text appers :O

Unfortunately, defensive stance is applied multiplicatively with resilience, which means the more resilience you have, the worse it gets. That was kinda the point I tried to make. More resilience however is additive, which means it gets better the more you have.

I'm aware that warriors have little-to-no rage issues now, but next patch they likely will have rage issues, which means they'll probably be better off gemming resilience. There's plenty of examples of why resilience is better just because it lets you play defensive that much less.

Playing or not playing a warrior doesn't have a huge amount to do with it. If you switch to a warrior who changes from def stance, surely you would be sitting on any other melee class as nothing has the same survival as a warrior does atm?
People Up here ^ Obviously dont play warrior :)

So my warrior Run right now full pvp power

next patch i will gem Full Resi due to Def stance nerf (10%Less)

Right now Def stance is way to good to neglect, and you should be in def stance 100% Of the time, the only time its okey for you to be in battle stance is if you meet a healer/dps where the dps either does to low dmg to be a issue, or train your healer 100%

(Personally when i see a warrior switching to battle stance in both 3s and 2s @ 85 and 90, you just start to setup a nuke if you have the cds, stuns and Cc)

25% Reduced dmg isnt like 7.5 dmg instead of 10, its 750 000 instead of 1 Million, My point is that its sooo much reduction, its more then the entire cataclysmic set's resi does.

And warrior on both 85 and 90 could work without Def stance, but you as a warrior need to be able to be consistent, dpsdps, make presure, follow behind pillars.

- In 2s go for Full pvp power with def stance 100%
-You loose alot of Survivability with resi gems and battle stance, and you gain close to no dmg, maybe even loose dmg.
-And you maybe gain more rage in battle stance, but thats not how Warriors burst now (Attack after attack after attack)

Warrior just has rng burst, and need alot of Rage control

MS>Overpower> If taste for blood> HS> Overpower> Continue with hs>op>hs if proccs
MS> Overpower>If not taste for blood with less then 90 Rage>Wait>Ms Continue
MS> Overpower>If not taste for blood with more then 90 rage> Slam x1

And just cause warriors dont really do dmg without procs you will gain full rage while waiting for this, which means you dont do more dmg in battle stance cause you have full from waiting
= the Pvp power helps that burst, even without pvp power gems you gain 25% Reduced dmg if someone switches to you, and gain no dmg during that dangerous burst.

Im incredebly bad in making my point fast!
A wild wall of text appers :O


i like the way you put it tbh and it wasnt so mutch a wall of text as it was spamming enter =P
you pretty mutch just described my playstyle, alltho i do switch to battle stance in a few situations more than what you says -if im certain that enemy cd's are off for more than 3 sec's-
as to stacking full power is not quite my way tho, im currently aiming for a ballanced setup running 65% resi and 23.5% power, sometimes swapping a little around.
anywho i am gonna stick with this untill 5.2 as well...

ty for all the inputs, it helped making up my mind =P
hehe well glad that, if i helped :) <3

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