Warrior Help

So I'm interested in coming back to retail and I would really enjoy playing a twink bracket that I've been meaning to try but never got around to it. My class of choice is a warrior. Now I don't really know much about them (hit cap, proper spec, proper glyphs, ect) but I came up with a little something. I'd love for people to comment, criticize, explain a few rotations, or link some example warriors. Anything you can tell me will be a real help. Thanks in advance!

Here's the profile: character planner . 39 twink warrior . chardev seven
These are my suggestions :D

This is on the premise that you are building a DPS warrior.

Ok, let's start with a couple of little things with the planned character.

1. I would highly recommend [Revelosh's Armguards of the Monkey], as while you lose a few points in stamina, you gain 6 agility, which is a little nicer for the crit rating it provides.

2. I would go for 300 skinning instead of mining. Once again, survivability is nice and all, but if the 12 crit rating you squeeze out of the skinning passive bonus, you'll smack a bit harder.

3. You are under the hit cap. The hit cap at the moment is 30 for us warriors. this can be achieved by Surefooted enchants on the boots, Leggings of the vault, and Precise Strikes to gloves. besides these things, you shouldn't worry too much about hit rating on any other gear.

4. [The Pacifier] is slow enough, and while [Pendulum of Doom] is the tastiest axe in town, it would be more realistic to have [Bloodied Arcanite Reaper] with Crusader as the weapon of choice. Still though, if you can get a PoD, use that over BAR.

5. Your crit is a little low in general, but seeing as i've never had an AP rating that high, I couldn't tell ya if you were doing anything bad.

6. Wrong Spec,and strange minor glyph imo. I'm personally using this setup on my Orc: Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft I like the fact I have more crit out of the poleax spec talent, and Trauma is always a nice in harmony with other bleeds. I also use [Glyph of Bloodrage] in stead of yours because I tend to find myself very rage hungry, and the fact that I don't lose health on it is always a nice thing.

A note on the talent spec: I am an orc, and I have a passive stun reduction that stacks with this: If you feel you're lacking defense against stuns (which you shouldn't but oh well), feel free to take a point out of [Tactical Mastery] and put it into [Iron Will]

Hope this helps a little bit :D
Thanks so much for your input it is very informative and I'll probably be adjusting accordingly. As for the PoD I know that I'll probably eventually get it but atm I'm not thinking that far ahead. As for the BAR I completely forgot about that and will definitely go for that, what chant did you throw on that thing? I'm thinking the 25 agility might be a nice crit boost but then again sader is never a bad choice.

I can see going further into the arms tree because you get the extra 5% crit from axes because now ill be using an axe. Plus that 30% extra bleed effects is sexy.

Overall thanks a ton again, hopefully I can get this guy made and xfered to Nightfall soon and start running some battlegrounds.
cant use two aquamarine rings at once, prob using the one of the bear, and get one of the new satchel rings that are of the soldier.

edit: could go revo bracers of attack power instead of monkey

edit 2:maybe go for those throwing axe instead of the sfbm, cant think of the name right now
I wasn't 100% sure if the aquamarine rings would work or not. The Tumultous Ring of the Soldier would be a nice replacement though. I'll look into getting that, thanks.
whirling steel axes afaik bsurv...and yes, get 'em.

25agi -> nogo. sader or minor beastslayer!

tidal charm > MotC.
Well I'm going to have tidal charm for sure but when it's on cd I'll have MotC on. I thought there were a few other helpful trinkets to have I just can't think of them at the moment. And I dunno about sader, the 25 agil gives me like 1.97% crit chance. When I get the PoD I'm gonna be slapping a savagery on it for sure.
Bansil said:
25agi -> nogo. sader

Um, no. No one in 39's uses 25 agil on a BAR. They all use Crusader. Warriors benefit far too much from instant attacks and the crazy sudden increase in attack power.

It would be pro to switch to another BAR with 25 agil AFTER a Crusader proc however.

Also, Tidal Charm has a cooldown (and I'm assuming you are talking about Warsong play and not arena play). Once it's used, switch to Mark of the Chosen. That trinket is of particular benefit to melee classes.
I've quit WoW 4 months ago but twinking is eating away at me, especially when this was my warrior - [char=Dalaran]Supersizeit[/char], I still have 450 proffs for show, ran out of time to get the 30 ap to shoulder because I was LAZY. I have a vid clip of doing multiple 850's w/ retal-beserk during the start of a wsg when horde rushed me. If you dont mind dieing abit but like high noncrit/ random crits copy my armory, disregard my spec - I usually use a rage build. What I used to do opening I always charged-rend, half the time the person Im ontop of just realises I'm there, I run through them. By the time I get in intercept range, op procs so I intercept, slam and immediately overpower for decent burst.

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