Lately I've seen posts saying that the quick blade pieces are the best stats for warriors. Why is this? Pvp is hard to test but I've been messing with stats on simcraft and verse never comes out on top. So far the best results are from a balance of crit and haste with minimal verse. If I'm missing something please let me know.
With my testing stat priority should go
Strength >> Crit >= Haste > Stam > verse
On the defensive side of verse with a full stack of verse you can expect around 10-12%. Assuming 12% so 6% dmg reduction if you have 5000 hp (not too high nor too low) 6% extra effective hp is only ~250 hp or 12.5 stam. So in around 100 points worth of secondary stats you only get 12.5 extra stam.
With my testing stat priority should go
Strength >> Crit >= Haste > Stam > verse
On the defensive side of verse with a full stack of verse you can expect around 10-12%. Assuming 12% so 6% dmg reduction if you have 5000 hp (not too high nor too low) 6% extra effective hp is only ~250 hp or 12.5 stam. So in around 100 points worth of secondary stats you only get 12.5 extra stam.