Warrior Gearing (Fury)


Lately I've seen posts saying that the quick blade pieces are the best stats for warriors. Why is this? Pvp is hard to test but I've been messing with stats on simcraft and verse never comes out on top. So far the best results are from a balance of crit and haste with minimal verse. If I'm missing something please let me know.

With my testing stat priority should go
Strength >> Crit >= Haste > Stam > verse

On the defensive side of verse with a full stack of verse you can expect around 10-12%. Assuming 12% so 6% dmg reduction if you have 5000 hp (not too high nor too low) 6% extra effective hp is only ~250 hp or 12.5 stam. So in around 100 points worth of secondary stats you only get 12.5 extra stam.
I can’t speak to level 40-49 twinking specifically, but in general: If you’re running Crusader enchants, all that extra strength can diminish the value of strength rating on your actual gear. Crusader procs are surprisingly plentiful. Food for thought.

Also, I’m interested in how you’re using SimC to simulate the 30 seconds-or-less bursty combat times of PvP fights. Furthermore, SimC does not follow the ideal rotation or talent-limitations of a level 40-49 twink. This is going to render your results useless at best, deceiving at worst.

For the extremely short effective combat times of PvP nowadays, Haste is very useless. It’s a stat whose effect is only meaningful on long, PvE-style combat times.

Furthermore, in the current bursty PvP meta it seems that damage mitigation trumps pure “glass cannon” max-DPS style gearing. This gives Versatility a higher priority than Haste—not to mention that Versatility is the only stat that boosts Elemental Force / Hidden Satyr effectively: two of your biggest damage dealing enchants.
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12% haste gets you two bloodthirsts in the duration of enraged regeneration, and generally increases autoattack speed to generate rage, and reduces cd to use rage generating abilities faster.

Vrs increases the healing done by boa neck and other self healing like bandages and crusader, and boosts damage from hidden satyr, etc., like mentioned

Crit... Crits. Big deal?

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20% base haste (50% during enrage) gets you 2 extra globals during enrage. i used 100 second fights with 10% variance, to try to make them as short as possible and the sims use the abilities just fine becuase 49 has everything except recklessness in terms of rotation. Also you can change the APL to make it do the rotation as you see fit.
20% base haste (50% during enrage) gets you 2 extra globals during enrage. i used 100 second fights with 10% variance, to try to make them as short as possible and the sims use the abilities just fine becuase 49 has everything except recklessness in terms of rotation. Also you can change the APL to make it do the rotation as you see fit.


Some bug reports regarding how you should not use SimC for low-level characters.
from my understanding verse seems a bit better when you add in proc dmg increases but haste also increases the RPPM of enchants and gear aswell. So i think haste is not a throw away stat at all, but rather its probably best to try to balance the 3 stats to get the most out of each stat.
I've been stacking nothing but haste and vers. With crusader and if you're like me playing deathwish, damage is a non issue. Things die in 3 seconds no matter what. The other 49s I've grouped with have said no death wish because of the 50 percent extra damage taken, but I honestly kill things so fast that I can just spam victory rush and bloodthirst to heal through it. I enchant and gear for survivability. If you have a pocket healer it's super gg. Even twink healers I can pop a Mighty Rage Potion, Rampage, and instantly one shot them. It's annoying keeping the 10 stacks up but super worth. If you find yourself fighting 1v4 or something you can just let the deathwish fall off.
Personal Opinion, the stat priority should go as follows: Strength > Versa > Haste > Critical Strike
Versatility increases overall damage of all your abilities, and increases your healing. Fury relies on raw damage, and not critical hits like it's arms counterpart. Stacking haste along side versatility not only bolsters your damage further, you gain more auto attacks which translates into more rage for Rampage, crusader and weapons such as Destiny, Princess Theradras' Scepter, and potentially Malown's Slam (If the bug is fixed) to proc more often, which directly correlates to more overall damage.
have you tried a balance of all 3 stats? i feel like haveing like 2% haste is missing out on certain things like extra blood thirst in enraged regen
but haste also increases the RPPM of enchants and gear aswell.

... by such a small margin that it's only really impactful on long, sustained combat times.

In a 25 sec skirmish you're unlikely to see any benefit from haste on any of your procs—but I'd be willing to be proven wrong on this if I could see some hard numbers / meters. :)

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