Warrior Discussion: Arms vs. Protection - PUGing


Excellent for fcing, damage reduction is amazing and you can still do a decent amount of damage with your 1 hander and shield. Also good for pugging because you cant count on others healing you, so using prot means you dont have to worry about it.


EXCELLENT damage; as apposed to prot which has decent damage with shield slam, arms is a very sustainable source of damage, and if you have at least 1 person attacking the target, your damage + mortal wounds + plus the right timed charge can be killer.



I was rolling arms for a while after the 5.2 patch, just because of all the ashats making prot warriors so that I could be more respectable... but it just didnt work for one reason... most pug groups are retarded. 99% of the time I am rolling prot I am fcing, which makes the games I am in have about a 80% chance of winning... so the problem I was having arms is that the people that where grabbing the flags 75% of the time where pretty stupid, ie they would run into 24 dps's, they would have 1.3k hp to start, etc. So I am back to prot just because I like winning.

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