Warrior 11 - Weight of Crit/Haste vs Str


New Member
As a fairly new person to the XP OFF scene, My character is kitted out in all TW items in every slot.

As I move towards level a blend of 30/60 gear for max damage I was wondering if there was some kind of math to know when its worth going for STR over Haste/Crit which I'll explain after this introduction, I have 25% crit, 23% haste, Versa 8%, Mastery 11%, Leech 0.5%, Str 127 and its my understanding you want 24% haste for Whirlwind spam and correct me if I'm wrong the next stat should crit.

So, I have a couple of questions:

1. I heard life stealing procs better with slower weapons, does this mean more haste, actually lowers your DPS? and I should go for Crit/Versa?

2. This is the main question! at what value does 1 str become ideal for replacement for secondary stats? I mean, is 1 str as good as 3 or 4 crit? Is there a math you can say this item has this much crit, so replacing the item with 3 more str socketed and losing the secondary would actually work out less dmg. Hope this question makes sense! not sure if there's a term for it
It's a bit hard to answer your questions because there are some weird breakpoints i guess you would call it. For instance, at one point i changed some gear around to gain 2 haste(overall number of stats stayed the same) and I gained 50 dps.

So here are some basic stat weights
Off Hand Weapon DPS 1.61
Strength 1.28
Critical Strike 0.60
Haste 0.55
Versatility 0.52
Mastery 0.24
Weapon DPS 5.81

But as I said before these dont hold up well when gaining 2 haste and losing 2 crit results in a 50 dps gain. It should be basically equal. So what i believe is going on is that strength, crit and vers are pretty much a linear function of you add more and get more dps. Haste on the other hand seems to have breakpoints where it is worth a lot more than the others. We probably haven't tested enough to know all of them but 15% is one, 24% is one, might be another around 30% somewhere. So haste seems to be more like a stair step instead of a linear function. Also, from the stat weights is appears that stacking strength would be the highest by a bit, but it isn't.

TLDR= Choose either 15% or 24% for haste, keep strength above 120 somewhere(probably), stack crit/vers, avoid mastery

In post 2 of this thread you can see the dps some of the best stat distributions have achieved https://xpoff.com/threads/raidbots-simming-wont-work-show-me-the-big-dps.100634/
Yeah @Zly put a ton of effort into trying to sim different stat weights to really hammer down what 11 warrs should be grinding for, but no matter what #s he put into the sims the actual results in game, while not a million miles off, still werent close enough to be considered official.

Edit: Also in his post linked above those results were before the buffs warriors received at the start of season 2. The individual stats should perform just as well now, but all results in the same gear would perform better today than they did then.
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