Warlocks? Something must be wrong?


There has to be something wrong with warlocks on 70, at least for PvE.

My corruption, curse of agony and unstable affliction deal 150-200 per tick. My incinerate deals 1 000 on a normal hit and 2 000 on a critical, my chaos bolt deals 4 000 damage. My mages arcane blasts deal well over 6 000 on a critical hit, 7500 with arcane power.

How come the warlock has so low damage on 70? My bloody hunter get 10K on a chimera shot but my warlock can't even reach 5K on a chaos bolt?
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Blizzard hasn't figured out how to balance endgame pvp yet lol don't hold your breath for any fixes anytime soon.
I'm not expecting them to fix anything. I'm just wondering if there is something wrong with my warlock, or if warlocks in general are weak as hell on 70.

My shaman and mage both deal twice as much damage, even my shaman with a restoration build out damages my warlock. My hunter does more than 3x the damage. Out of all my 70's my warlock is the one that deals the least damage. You should not be dealing 150-200 damage per DoT when a hunters serpent sting deals 2000+.
you need the whitemend/spellfire set as warlock if you want to haul ass at 70
go demo and let your pets solo while you run in circles

Demo is only good vs double dps. Any competent healer team will just laugh at you.
if it is the 70 warlock listed in your post, you need to regear for WOD. when blizz did squish it made T5 thru T6.5 no longer BIS. many clothees are using vendor and crafted items. the five crafted pieces are some serious work and farming, i have seen 3 priests, 2 mages, and 1 warlock geared like this mage below.

Cûh @ Tichondrius - Community - World of Warcraft
if it is the 70 warlock listed in your post, you need to regear for WOD. when blizz did squish it made T5 thru T6.5 no longer BIS. many clothees are using vendor and crafted items. the five crafted pieces are some serious work and farming, i have seen 3 priests, 2 mages, and 1 warlock geared like this mage below.

Cûh @ Tichondrius - Community - World of Warcraft

Gearing like that will just get you killed vs any competent team. You'll have ~23k hp inside arenas and BGs while everyone's critting 7-8k+ with Ferals just oneshotting you.

It's better to use the whitemend&spellfire sets, and then get other pieces with some more stamina on it so you won't be as squishy.
Gearing like that will just get you killed vs any competent team. You'll have ~23k hp inside arenas and BGs while everyone's critting 7-8k+ with Ferals just oneshotting you.

It's better to use the whitemend&spellfire sets, and then get other pieces with some more stamina on it so you won't be as squishy.

100% agree there. i go with some stam gems and enchants on my warlock just so im above 30k otherwise im way too easy to 1 shot. while my spellpower is still above 1000
id have to agree also, that set is crucial for pretty much any clothy and I see some monks and druids using it aswell. Now i dont think you may have mentioned pvp, if you did then, id also probably go versitility WOD enchants for neck, back and rings...for a warlock atleast since you are so immobile against cleave comps you need more health and to be more tanky, but if you are purely pve maybe get alot of haste and int and maybe multistrike WOD enchants or haste... I personally like multistrike for afflic lock pve but that just me, whichever you find raises your dps and you dont need to add much stam for raiding set, thats purely pvp.
Yazo @ Kilrogg - Community - World of Warcraft

This dude is one of the best locks in the bracket and isnt even BiS yet Demo is the strongest spec for lock atm

demo is good yes. but affliction is better. the amount of dmg affliction can do with just 1 haunt is insane. i've done up to 10k haunts when i played affliction... buuut affliction is boring. so yeah demo all the way \o/
id have to agree also, that set is crucial for pretty much any clothy and I see some monks and druids using it aswell. Now i dont think you may have mentioned pvp, if you did then, id also probably go versitility WOD enchants for neck, back and rings...for a warlock atleast since you are so immobile against cleave comps you need more health and to be more tanky, but if you are purely pve maybe get alot of haste and int and maybe multistrike WOD enchants or haste... I personally like multistrike for afflic lock pve but that just me, whichever you find raises your dps and you dont need to add much stam for raiding set, thats purely pvp.

i've tried out all the different gems and enchants, and so on,
and by far versatility shines for demo. even for destro aswell. going crit actually makes Chaos bolt deal less damage o_O
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