warlock head slot

Taitaih said:
And if they kick my fear? That locks out any option I might have to escape.

How exactly does a rogue kick an instant cast fear?

That would be a first!!!

Edit: Just to clarify... when I said fear/Coex them I mean fear(Howl)
Ah, SL/SL doesn't have that benefit.

I'm just curious on how you shake rogues, especially UD ones. Especially if they meet you GCD to GCD. Howl -> WotF, DC->trinket or CoEX->Vanish
Taitaih said:
Ah, SL/SL doesn't have that benefit.

I'm just curious on how you shake rogues, especially UD ones. Especially if they meet you GCD to GCD. Howl -> WotF, DC->trinket or CoEX->Vanish

Usually I only ever have to trinket, blow a Howl, then coex and run... if they blow sprint after the trinket/racial then I DC and reapply dots as they fall off, and coex kite till they are dead.

I tend to trinket Kidney not CS though and I devour when I can through the CS.

Hense the importance of utilising grid on your lock!

You can P** off rogues though.... a few ways..... some are....

1/ If you know there is a rogue lurking around pop a free action pot... he will blow his CS and get no stun off on you and then you can lol have your way with him....

2/ Make this macro... its great for pulling rogues from stealth. It won't always stop them from sapping you but it will get them out of stealth after they sap you in a lot of cases and deny them an opener

#showtooltip Curse of Exhaustion

/console targetNearestDistance 15.000000

/targetenemy [noharm][dead]

/console targetNearestDistance 41.000000

/cast [harm,nodead] Curse of Exhaustion

/dismount [target=target,exists]

Its a spammable coex macro that if a rogue phases slightly visable at all while you are mashing that it will insta coex him and pull him from stealth.

Can also be used as your regular coex as well.

3/ When a rogue saps you.... if you see him in stealth ... (as most rogues once sapped move in to CS) you tab target him then silence him with your pet. This will pull the bugger out of stealth and deny him the opener.
Druiddroid said:
if an UD rogue is smart and has every CD, it will beat a warlock

If he blinds after lock trinkets and fears...yes.

If he doesn't then the lock should send him to the GY.
UD rogues are honestly the ones that I struggle with. It's the extra WotF that gives a huge advantage. Most of them can't meet me GCD to GCD, but those who can, well they screw me over.
Taitaih said:
UD rogues are honestly the ones that I struggle with. It's the extra WotF that gives a huge advantage. Most of them can't meet me GCD to GCD, but those who can, well they screw me over.

Because your SL/SL and lose Howl of terror as an instant cast.

Your spec (SL/SL) is really best suited for premade Vs Premade where you will have healers being attentive to you.

If your not doing premades then I would suggest respeccing affliction and leveling mining and herbalism. You will find that with that at fel glyph, and being farmiular with dealing other classes you will have a much larger suvivability chance.... and even start doing well 2v1 and 3v1!!
Yea, the issue with the lack of SL/SL is the "pugging" against other premades. They have so much burst that with or without SL/SL they'll take me down regardless of Howl.

Loss of instant Howl isn't really my issue. I played affliction before switching over the SL/SL, and the 20% damage reduction was needed when evis hits me for 2500+. My major issue was rogues WotF the howl, trinketing my deathcoil, vanishing my CoEX, then kicking the next fear coming up. The instant cast howl kinda becomes a non-factor when it's easy to get out of it.
Taitaih said:
Yea, the issue with the lack of SL/SL is the "pugging" against other premades. They have so much burst that with or without SL/SL they'll take me down regardless of Howl.

Loss of instant Howl isn't really my issue. I played affliction before switching over the SL/SL, and the 20% damage reduction was needed when evis hits me for 2500+. My major issue was rogues WotF the howl, trinketing my deathcoil, vanishing my CoEX, then kicking the next fear coming up. The instant cast howl kinda becomes a non-factor when it's easy to get out of it.

You can't get around huge crits when they come... rogues just do spastic damage at the moment.

But it seems more apparent that you have issues with controlling rogues.

And being SL/SL as I said as much as you think instant howl is a non factor it's one less CC you can use and force the enemy to blow a CD against, its one less escape mechanism you have. Sure SL can east a bit more of the evic crit but your still gonna have the same issue of controling the rogue.

I don't understand why you don't reapply coex on the rogue when he gets pulled from vanish from dots.

If they match yoru CDs if they don't blow blind after you trinket a stun then you should pretty much 80% of the time always win.

I will make some fraps... I won't duel I will WSG so you know its legit. And I will trya nd get some rogue encounters for you and post a link to it to show you what I mean.
Actually I'm speaking from the Rogue PoV not the warlock at this moment. Since I play both classes I know how to class comp a lock while I know that it's harder for a lock to class comp a rogue.

If a rogue meets you GCD to GCD you won't get to apply any dots if you apply CoEX. Plus if you want to toss heals on yourself, you're not using GCDs to put dots up either.

Howl -> Wotf


*if you put dots up here, you're not healing yourself. If you don't escape artist, then crippling is certainly on you and the rogue closes distance quickly*

CoEx -> Vanish (even through Dots) -> Sprint

Reapply CoEx-> (the rogue is probably back on you now and will Gouge you)

I'm not saying that your strat won't work by any means. I've decimated bad twink rogues no problem. Don't forget about your global CD though. Yes you can pop herbalism heals on yourself and a healthstone, but that means you're also not reapplying CoEX when the rogue comes out of vanish and sprinting at you.
Krymore said:
Dear OP,

I am not going to tell you how to gear your toon I just want to offer some friendly advise from a warlock twink who has been twinking lock on various lock twinks since twinking has been out.

Back in the day, stacking +spell damage while looks impressive on the charecter sheet, with the changes to so many classes and how it effects the 49 bracket, stam and healing >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> spell damage.

Dead locks can't dps.......

I have been that gear setup back in the day with all +damage and these days where rogues and enhancements shamans can 1 and 2 shot clothies with 2.8k health, and with the amount of dispelling that goes on in a BG you need stam.... more so as a clothie. Stacking all +damage will only leave you with roughly 2100 health.

Greenlens of shadow wrath with the 10 stam is nice. But it is dated now.

Greenlens is only worth keeping for 2 reason...

1/ You actually want to keep Engineering to throw bombs

2/ Your too lazy or don't have enough xp buffer to level mining and herbalism to 375.

Dropping engineering and using Eye Of Flame and leveling mining and herbalism to 375 is superior in every way. You lose 1 spell power and 10 stam and gain 30 stam and a 1200 HOT over 5 sec on a 3 min CD.

Their pretty much is no question about it.

Even if you were to already have 300 mining..... dropping engineering for herbalism again... is far superior.

1200 heal over 5 secs on a 3 min CD > 100 health.

AS for which does more damage... obviously Green lens since it has 1 point more of spell damage.... as to what frees you up to build a more solid toon..... eye of flame hands down.

Thanks :D

I have 4140 HP on my enh shaman with mining and herbalism both 450. I have herbalism and mining on this warlock too; even if I can only get both to 375 with the new level cap it will be worth it.

My shaman still 1-shots cloth wearers, but he is so gimped right now after the spell power nerf, the undocumented tremor nerf, the grounding nerf and the complete lack of any survivability, I just need something new. You can only wtfwf people for so long before you get sick of not having an interrupt, stun, oh-sh1t button, fear, bubble, frost / ice trap, pet intimidation, ice block and the likes.

My goal is definitely to not just stack +damage, but to go for +stam indeed.
Taitaih said:
Actually I'm speaking from the Rogue PoV not the warlock at this moment. Since I play both classes I know how to class comp a lock while I know that it's harder for a lock to class comp a rogue.

If a rogue meets you GCD to GCD you won't get to apply any dots if you apply CoEX. Plus if you want to toss heals on yourself, you're not using GCDs to put dots up either.

Howl -> Wotf


*if you put dots up here, you're not healing yourself. If you don't escape artist, then crippling is certainly on you and the rogue closes distance quickly*

CoEx -> Vanish (even through Dots) -> Sprint

Reapply CoEx-> (the rogue is probably back on you now and will Gouge you)

I'm not saying that your strat won't work by any means. I've decimated bad twink rogues no problem. Don't forget about your global CD though. Yes you can pop herbalism heals on yourself and a healthstone, but that means you're also not reapplying CoEX when the rogue comes out of vanish and sprinting at you.

I will post a video becasue the scenario your portraying doesn't happen.

Maybe I am not understanding what your really trying to say but your coming off posting like the rogue your fighting on your warlock is going to pop his trinkets and CDS at exactly the same time as you... and I am afraid to tell you that doesn't happen.

There is always time to put a dot up ... there is always times to hit the herb skill. They will not share GCDs at exatly the same moment as you. Arguing a scenario to this fact is a waiste of time its just mechanically not possible.

So again.... if the rogue doesn't blind you after trinketing fear to set up to reopen then as a properly geared twink warlock you should win...... if you don't, then either you skills are on CD or you did something wrong.
I'm not saying that they pop their trinkets and CDs at the same time as you. Following your pattern, I'm saying there's a counter a rogue can do to anything you do a second behind you on the GCD. Hell, a well played rogue can Vanish a death coil if they're quick enough.

I mean, yes you can post a video, but I can probably pick apart exactly what those rogues are doing incorrectly.
Taitaih said:
I'm not saying that they pop their trinkets and CDs at the same time as you. Following your pattern, I'm saying there's a counter a rogue can do to anything you do a second behind you on the GCD. Hell, a well played rogue can Vanish a death coil if they're quick enough.

I mean, yes you can post a video, but I can probably pick apart exactly what those rogues are doing incorrectly.

So can since I grinded one to rank 14 and played one for 2 seasons with a 2k+ arena rating.

Any class can be picked apart nearly every class COULD have a counter....

I can post numerous scenarios and you seem like the kind of person that will just argue it for the sake of being right on the forums. Its very easy to pick apart something after it happened.

Seems your more concerned about arguing mute points than actually learning so I will releave my self from this thread.

You can continue to struggle against rogues because your unwilling to learn and I on the other hand..... won't!

I argue for the sake of discussion, please don't put words in my mouth or assume I do something for the sake of arguing. And I actually do agree with a lot of things on these forums, however I don't agree that a UD rogue should feasibly lose to a lock without blind, and therefore I am arguing my point.

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