warlock head slot

I rolled a warlock after the endless nerfs to shamans (tremor/grounding were nerfed in last patch... not even documented) and have a question.

From a pure damage perspective, which is better?

Green Lens of Shadow Wrath

57 Armor

+10 Stamina

+34-36 Shadow Spell Damage

Requires Engineering (245)

Eye of Flame

79 Armor

+10 Intellect

+10 Spirit

+15 Fire Resistance

Equip: Increases spell power by 35.

I'm not sure how spell power relates to spell damage... I've never really played a caster. I don't care about the stamina... purely from a damage point of view which is better for an affliction lock?

TY :)
Stam = you don't care about

Int = needed to cast spells

Head = Eye of Flame

Seriously though, you can't cast if you're dead - Green Lens.
Anecdote said:
Stam = you don't care about

Int = needed to cast spells

Head = Eye of Flame

Seriously though, you can't cast if you're dead - Green Lens.

I have plenty of hitpoints. 100 hp won't make or break me. I'm looking for an assessment of the bonus for damage...

Can someone explain which of the two does more dam? Since I've never been a caster, I don't know if spell power > shadow spell damage.
do you have demon armor at that level? because if so youre gonna get an extra 3 SD from the eye of flame pushing it uo to 38 SD. Intel gives a bit of crit and the 38 sd will affect all schools, and ofc if you dont use the green lens you can fit a gatherer in. so i would definitely go for the eye
Armory Krymore - he has a really good balance. Over 4k buffed hp, still over 350 spell power. Eye of Flame is said to be better to use, since it also free's up engineering from your professions to grab herbalism and Mining for the extra 300 xp. For the chest peice use the Chan's Imperial Robe.
cherzra said:
I have plenty of hitpoints. 100 hp won't make or break me. I'm looking for an assessment of the bonus for damage...

Can someone explain which of the two does more dam? Since I've never been a caster, I don't know if spell power > shadow spell damage.

Spell Power = Spell Damage 1:1

just when the conversion of some of the gear happened so items remained specific like their names (shadow wrath, Fiery wrath etc) All other gear that had just spell damage/healing on it was converted to a "spell power".
Dear OP,

I am not going to tell you how to gear your toon I just want to offer some friendly advise from a warlock twink who has been twinking lock on various lock twinks since twinking has been out.

Back in the day, stacking +spell damage while looks impressive on the charecter sheet, with the changes to so many classes and how it effects the 49 bracket, stam and healing >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> spell damage.

Dead locks can't dps.......

I have been that gear setup back in the day with all +damage and these days where rogues and enhancements shamans can 1 and 2 shot clothies with 2.8k health, and with the amount of dispelling that goes on in a BG you need stam.... more so as a clothie. Stacking all +damage will only leave you with roughly 2100 health.

Greenlens of shadow wrath with the 10 stam is nice. But it is dated now.

Greenlens is only worth keeping for 2 reason...

1/ You actually want to keep Engineering to throw bombs

2/ Your too lazy or don't have enough xp buffer to level mining and herbalism to 375.

Dropping engineering and using Eye Of Flame and leveling mining and herbalism to 375 is superior in every way. You lose 1 spell power and 10 stam and gain 30 stam and a 1200 HOT over 5 sec on a 3 min CD.

Their pretty much is no question about it.

Even if you were to already have 300 mining..... dropping engineering for herbalism again... is far superior.

1200 heal over 5 secs on a 3 min CD > 100 health.

AS for which does more damage... obviously Green lens since it has 1 point more of spell damage.... as to what frees you up to build a more solid toon..... eye of flame hands down.
I prefer chucking arcane bombs, fel iron bombs, and thorium grenades around. They're a huge burst and a nice finisher to flag carriers.

Herbalism is nice, but I prefer just using my healthstone/Heavy Frostweave. I suppose all three combined wouldn't bad terrible either. I have mining (trained to 450, but sitting at 375). However I don't have BoA shoulders with puts me at 30 stamina short.

With my balanced set of spell damage and stam (at level 48), I have 3700 health, 366 shadow damage, and 3640 mana. I project that I will have 370+ shadow damage and a little more health and mana at 49. If I had the BoA shoulders, it would easily push my health to 4000+.

With my high spell damage set I will have 419 shadow damage, 3100 health and 3600 mana. The difference to push my spell damage that high is 600 health.

The 419 definitely looks impressive on paper, but the survivability goes way down. I was even unhappy with my survivability with 3600 health that I respecced SL/SL for more.

In my setup, I keep mining and engineering. Like I said I enjoy throwing bombs around. Getting ganked by a couple melee, it definitely comes in handy.

Oh and I'm proud to say that my defender of the timbermaw saved my life yesterday lol.
Taitaih said:
I prefer chucking arcane bombs, fel iron bombs, and thorium grenades around. They're a huge burst and a nice finisher to flag carriers.

Herbalism is nice, but I prefer just using my healthstone/Heavy Frostweave. I suppose all three combined wouldn't bad terrible either. I have mining (trained to 450, but sitting at 375). However I don't have BoA shoulders with puts me at 30 stamina short.

With my balanced set of spell damage and stam (at level 48), I have 3700 health, 366 shadow damage, and 3640 mana. I project that I will have 370+ shadow damage and a little more health and mana at 49. If I had the BoA shoulders, it would easily push my health to 4000+.

With my high spell damage set I will have 419 shadow damage, 3100 health and 3600 mana. The difference to push my spell damage that high is 600 health.

The 419 definitely looks impressive on paper, but the survivability goes way down. I was even unhappy with my survivability with 3600 health that I respecced SL/SL for more.

In my setup, I keep mining and engineering. Like I said I enjoy throwing bombs around. Getting ganked by a couple melee, it definitely comes in handy.

Oh and I'm proud to say that my defender of the timbermaw saved my life yesterday lol.

Unless you get focus fired by more than 1 rogue constantly 3500 health unbuffed is more than enough with fel hunter glyph, and siphon life...... now add in health stone and herbalism... = OP

1 Melee shouldn't be a problem if you COex kite them properly.

Using grid to utilize devouring your team mates for healing is a must, for those times where you and your target have no debuffs to remove.
yea 3500 is approx the health you need to survive a rogue burst evis. I haven't met any rogues smart enough to blind my felhunter.

The major issues I have with rogues is wound poison not crippling. Our HoTs do very little against their burst.
+spell power = + (whatever) damage for all schools

+shadow damage is the same as +spell power but only for shadow spells

I'd go with Eye of Flame because 10 int and 10 spirit > 10 stamina, not to mention the 15 fire restist is useful against fire mages (they can be freaky powerful in the 49 bracket)
Taitaih said:
yea 3500 is approx the health you need to survive a rogue burst evis. I haven't met any rogues smart enough to blind my felhunter.

The major issues I have with rogues is wound poison not crippling. Our HoTs do very little against their burst.

Thats because smart rogues won't be silly enough to blow there blind on your pet.... that would be silly of them.

The smart rogue will save his blind for when you try to trinket, howl them, Coex them to try to intiate a kite. Thats when they should blow their pvp trinket on fear and then blind you to stop the kite.

THATS what they should do....

Here is why its so much more important to have herbalism over engineering.

You howl.. or in your case DC...... pop stone AND herbalism hot then coex and try to intiate a kite and all the while trying to benefit from your felhound glyph and moving through the rogue to force him to not get attacks of due to facing wrong direction.

You under estiamte how much the hot can heal for.... mine is only 900 at the moment with 300 herb till later this week when I level it to 375 for the 1200.... but even 900 heal over 5 secs..... not 10 or 15 but 5 secs is HUGE!!!!
fuzzles said:
+spell power = + (whatever) damage for all schools

+shadow damage is the same as +spell power but only for shadow spells

I'd go with Eye of Flame because 10 int and 10 spirit > 10 stamina, not to mention the 15 fire restist is useful against fire mages (they can be freaky powerful in the 49 bracket)

While I agree with you I would also go with eye of flame and I do wear it......... however 10 int and 10 spirit is rather redundant on an affliction lock that dark pacts his pet for mana.

What makes the eye of flame a better head piece option for an affliction lock isn't the int and spirit stats.... its the fact it can free up a profession slot most locks seriously only use for the engineering head piece. NOW you can level a profession that will vastly increase your survivability.... ie Herbalism... 1200 hot > 100 health and only lose 1 spell damage.
wow i didn't even notice that; you're right

engineering isn't a bad profession to have, though. those bombs can be real useful during those "oh shit" moments or disrupting the support for a flag runner
just a quick tip, i saw that krymore had a 100 hp libram whichis fine, but for a lock the 8 stam is better because your pet doesnt base off of your hp, it bases off of stam.
I'm just curious (at least in terms of felhound and my spec), would blind disrupt Soul Link? I've never been sure about that. Usually when I'm getting focused fired, I can't really tell how much damage is getting mitigated when my pet is getting feared around or banished or being CCed.

The issue is that I usually go against undead rogues, which if I death coil they trinket, and if I fear, they racial. When my UD rogue is finished I would like to test out my damage against a blinded SL pet and if it takes away the 20% damage reduction, which with UD racial and trinket wouldn't have too much issue breaking the kite.

I could be blowing smoke out of my ass about blind breaking Soul link from pet to owner.
Deadhed said:
just a quick tip, i saw that krymore had a 100 hp libram whichis fine, but for a lock the 8 stam is better because your pet doesnt base off of your hp, it bases off of stam.

If I was SL/SL the 8 stam would factor. As I am affliction there is slightly more benfit to 100 hp over 8 stam!
Taitaih said:
I'm just curious (at least in terms of felhound and my spec), would blind disrupt Soul Link? I've never been sure about that. Usually when I'm getting focused fired, I can't really tell how much damage is getting mitigated when my pet is getting feared around or banished or being CCed.

The issue is that I usually go against undead rogues, which if I death coil they trinket, and if I fear, they racial. When my UD rogue is finished I would like to test out my damage against a blinded SL pet and if it takes away the 20% damage reduction, which with UD racial and trinket wouldn't have too much issue breaking the kite.

I could be blowing smoke out of my ass about blind breaking Soul link from pet to owner.

This is why you want to fear then Coex them....... then you can DC and escape artist poison.... if they don't blind you on the first fear after you trinket.... there is no reason for you to lose unless you muck up.

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