Warlock Gearup


I'm ImmIx and I'm a Warlock.

Since I can't acces BoA's i was wondering if this would be a viable way of twinking my character with 2 different sets: 1 max SP set and one 6% hit cap

SP set:

Spidersilk Drape

Spidersilk Boots /w minor speed/9stam

Lorekeeper's Ring

Bronze Band of Force

6% hit cap set:

Spidersilk Drape

Spidersilk Boots /w +5 hit rating

Simple Pearl Ring

Lorekeeper's Ring

= 13 hit rating = just above 6% hit chance

I would use the 2nd set when in the middle of a fight and fears are needed, otherwise the other set will rule. This way i don't have to sacrifice my 3 talents points to get 3% chance to hit instead of +10% Stamina.

What i loose is a mere 5SP and minor Speed / 9stamina, wich is not that much if you compare it to missing a fear.

Please feel free to speak and give your opinions!


If you're alliance hit cap is 7 for spells I believe (Kore or someone please correct me)
Eliot said:
If you're alliance hit cap is 7 for spells I believe (Kore or someone please correct me)

I thought so to but I checked the "hit cap" sticky on top of this forum. It says 6% for locks. If it actually IS 7%, i would replace Lorekeeper's Ring by Lavishly Jewelled ring wich would give me 7%. Then i'd loose about 9SP instead of 5SP but still be hit capped AND have the 10% stamina boost from talents.



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