Warlock Gear Question.


Hey everyone, I'm thinking about starting up a 19 Warlock and am wondering what gear to use. I checked out the guide under 19 but it looks a bit outdated.

So far I'm planning on using the following. (I do not have access to BOA's)

Helm: Lucky fishing hat

Neck: Thick bronze necklace

Shoulders:Crafted +4 stam +5 SP

Back: Spidersilk drape +5 All res

Chest: Inferno Robe +150 HP

Bracers: Crystalline Cuffs +15 SP

Belt: Keller's Girdle

Gloves: Jutebraid +16 SP

Leggings: Darkweave Breeches +16 armor

Feet: Spidersilk +Minor Speed

Rings: Seal of Sylvanas, Advisor's

Trinkets: Insignia, AGM

Wand: I forget the name, +1 SP +1 Stam +1 Int

Mainhand/Offhand is where I'm lost. Because I don't have access to the BoA staff should I go with Dawnblade +30 SP and Furbolg, or should I use Blessed Seer's with +30 SP?

Proffs: 225 Herb, 225 Mining

Feel free to offer any advice you may have, I'm open to all suggestions =)
All your gear looks great, but maybe you shoudl think about taking a second AGM instead of an insignia if your going Undead because of WotF. Wand I would use TCS with + 22 INT and when the extra mana wears off, switch to SotBS with + 30 SP. Just for a side note you should always be using Minor Wizard Oil (+ 8 SP) on your weapon. Hope this helps xD
I myself prefer [item]witching stave[/item] since it has a balance of SP and intellect.
Ok guys thanks for the opinions =)

Got another few questions though. I have seen some ppl use +20 Shadow SP to gloves and some use +16 SP. What are your opinions on this? Also with affliction spec 7/3/0 what spells do you use the most and what is your general strategy. This is my first Warlock so I don't know the class as well as I would like.
I prefer 16SP because when I'm free to dump my mana ball into killing someone, I like the 16 extra SP on my Searing Pain more than an extra 4 SP on my DoTs.

I roll with a glass cannon set on my lock, but I will take Stam over SP if I get less than about 1.5 SP per stam lost... so I agree with cooperation, go with dawnblade + furbolg. I like the 15 stam better than the 13 SP... I'd want at least 21SP to sacrifice that much stam for.

My lock's gear is far from perfect because I don't have access to BoAs and I haven't put in the effort to get his fishing hat or trinkets but I still do quite well in WSG and arena skirmishes. I play the "coward lock" playstyle -- CC when appropriate and toss out DoTs like they're candy.
Only immolate when you have time to (i.e., you're not being mowed down by a rogue or something). Pretty much common sense. If you're just sitting there dotting and no one is after you, then immolate is great, but if you're getting chased, the only thing you should stop to cast is fear.
+40 armor on leggings :)

Also if you happen to find them on AH, get a +7 sp belt and +9 sp leggings. Should be next to free of cost, and picking 16 spellpower over 7 stamina can be beneficial a lot of the time (on top of losing 15 intellect but that means fuck all tbh).

^^Is the way I went was going to go with my lock (now deleted). 152 bonus shadow damage is crazy. However i would definitly go with orc for Bloodfury (41 extra SP is Leet) and the increased pet dmg output.
hello feat...i know you know me, so no need for introductions...but if i might give some insight i would like to say make a blood elf. It is by far the absolute best race for a warlock...i'm even contemplating faction changing just for that race. The ability to silence, the mix of resistances, the slight mana bump in a fight, and great base stats. The ability to silence would be amazing for a warlock imo. Just imagine fighting a shaman, silence fear would be epic amirite? And, in my opinion, this would be the best possible setup as a lock (arena set cause i could really care less about wsg lol...)

Fishing hat

thick bronze necklace

boa shoulders - if not reinforced woolen shoulders

spidersilk drape with 10 shadow res, 15 nr, 5 res, appopriately for w/e you plan on fighting vs

inferno robe for you with 150 hp imo

crystalline cuffs- 15 sp

gold flecked gloves - 16 sp

keller's girdle

darkweave breaches- 40 armor cause it works :p

spidersilk boots - minor speed

advisor's ring or w/e the horde one is

seal of sylvannas

insig (boa if possible)


wepz: right now with no boa i run this...just the basic setup

dagger (dawnblade foryou and night watch for me)/ pouch 30 sp

staff of the blessed sear 30 sp

and staff of the friar 20 spirit

then finally if you have a hat, mining and herb...if you dont have a hat go engi because believe it or not that 7 spirit makes a difference until you can get your fishing hat...uhmm....oh immolate only if you're in the position where you're not really vulnerable like someone already stated... You wont like the lock unless you learn how to fake cast so learn that or you're pretty much a fail lock considering its your only defense......uhmm......never use shadowbolt but thats pretty self explanatory (unless of course its the instabolt from the glyph which you should have along with the soul drain glyph)......if you have any questions feel free to ask. Im pretty confident in my knowledge of the warlock class and would be glad to be of assistance
Coldzhoulder said:
hello feat...i know you know me, so no need for introductions...but if i might give some insight i would like to say make a blood elf. It is by far the absolute best race for a warlock...i'm even contemplating faction changing just for that race. The ability to silence, the mix of resistances, the slight mana bump in a fight, and great base stats. The ability to silence would be amazing for a warlock imo. Just imagine fighting a shaman, silence fear would be epic amirite? And, in my opinion, this would be the best possible setup as a lock (arena set cause i could really care less about wsg lol...)

Fishing hat

thick bronze necklace

boa shoulders - if not reinforced woolen shoulders

spidersilk drape with 10 shadow res, 15 nr, 5 res, appopriately for w/e you plan on fighting vs

inferno robe for you with 150 hp imo

crystalline cuffs- 15 sp

gold flecked gloves - 16 sp

keller's girdle

darkweave breaches- 40 armor cause it works :p

spidersilk boots - minor speed

advisor's ring or w/e the horde one is

seal of sylvannas

insig (boa if possible)


wepz: right now with no boa i run this...just the basic setup

dagger (dawnblade foryou and night watch for me)/ pouch 30 sp

staff of the blessed sear 30 sp

and staff of the friar 20 spirit

then finally if you have a hat, mining and herb...if you dont have a hat go engi because believe it or not that 7 spirit makes a difference until you can get your fishing hat...uhmm....oh immolate only if you're in the position where you're not really vulnerable like someone already stated... You wont like the lock unless you learn how to fake cast so learn that or you're pretty much a fail lock considering its your only defense......uhmm......never use shadowbolt but thats pretty self explanatory (unless of course its the instabolt from the glyph which you should have along with the soul drain glyph)......if you have any questions feel free to ask. Im pretty confident in my knowledge of the warlock class and would be glad to be of assistance

Cool story bro.

ps:please buy me some 80 muscle for AGM = */

*Maelstrom logs on at 3,6,and 9 am to find 80s roaming in ma guru arena*
Coldz, you said never use Shadowbolt, why is that? I use to never use it (except for proc), but then I checked the coefficiency table, and Shadowbolt has about an 80% and Searing Pain a 40%. Shadowbolt is pretty much double Searing Pain in everything, cast time, mana cost, and damage. I think Shadowbolt is about 80 damage unbuffed and Searing Pain is 40 unbuffed. With 100 Shadow Spellpower, your Shadowbolt should hit for around 160 costing around 120 mana (I think) and your Searing Pain hitting for around 80 costing 60 mana. I'm sure none of these numbers are on the dot but they should be pretty close. Now, I don't spec 7/3/0 like all other 19 Warlocks, I go for 2/3/5. The increased damage from Improved Corruption is 9. An extra 9 total damage from the entire DoT. Wow. I'm guessing someone will argue, but I'd rather take Bane, reducing Shadowbolt, and Immolate's cast time by .5 seconds, making Shadowbolt far superior, and having a faster Immolate doesn't hurt either.

EDIT: Forgot to mention that I also think that Witching Stave is better than SotBS.
Retrogad said:
Coldz, you said never use Shadowbolt, why is that? I use to never use it (except for proc), but then I checked the coefficiency table, and Shadowbolt has about an 80% and Searing Pain a 40%. Shadowbolt is pretty much double Searing Pain in everything, cast time, mana cost, and damage. I think Shadowbolt is about 80 damage unbuffed and Searing Pain is 40 unbuffed. With 100 Shadow Spellpower, your Shadowbolt should hit for around 160 costing around 120 mana (I think) and your Searing Pain hitting for around 80 costing 60 mana. I'm sure none of these numbers are on the dot but they should be pretty close. Now, I don't spec 7/3/0 like all other 19 Warlocks, I go for 2/3/5. The increased damage from Improved Corruption is 9. An extra 9 total damage from the entire DoT. Wow. I'm guessing someone will argue, but I'd rather take Bane, reducing Shadowbolt, and Immolate's cast time by .5 seconds, making Shadowbolt far superior, and having a faster Immolate doesn't hurt either.

You do realize the cast time on it correct? Searing pain is fast burst.. and since your fear is 9 seconds at a full duration searing pain is better...trust me.
Retrogad said:
Coldz, you said never use Shadowbolt, why is that? I use to never use it (except for proc), but then I checked the coefficiency table, and Shadowbolt has about an 80% and Searing Pain a 40%. Shadowbolt is pretty much double Searing Pain in everything, cast time, mana cost, and damage. I think Shadowbolt is about 80 damage unbuffed and Searing Pain is 40 unbuffed. With 100 Shadow Spellpower, your Shadowbolt should hit for around 160 costing around 120 mana (I think) and your Searing Pain hitting for around 80 costing 60 mana. I'm sure none of these numbers are on the dot but they should be pretty close. Now, I don't spec 7/3/0 like all other 19 Warlocks, I go for 2/3/5. The increased damage from Improved Corruption is 9. An extra 9 total damage from the entire DoT. Wow. I'm guessing someone will argue, but I'd rather take Bane, reducing Shadowbolt, and Immolate's cast time by .5 seconds, making Shadowbolt far superior, and having a faster Immolate doesn't hurt either.

EDIT: Forgot to mention that I also think that Witching Stave is better than SotBS.

dont wanna sound elitist but i dont believe you've played a lock for more than a month have you....i think even before that you would have realized that casting shadowbolt is the most unefficient thing to do, bane is hardly viable considering how rare it is to use immolate OR shadowbolt...a real lock knows the importance of setting dots on someone, setting dots on the next person, and when thats done, controlling the entire arena (or w/e idc about wsg) because at that point the fears are crucial as opposed to wasting time casting an immolate at the cost of your team mate getting wrecked... now dont get me wrong, immolate can be used but ONLY if there's an opening, everything's controlled and you aren't vulnerable. Oh and lastly witching stave is DEFINITELY not the best choice for a weapon...sorry bud, its best to stick with switching out back and forth or using boa than rolling with that thing.
armor to cloak imo

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