Wanting to make a new twink.


That One OG
Well, title is pretty much self explanatory. I would like to roll something different for a twink, just to try it out. Finished leveling my warlock and don't like that to much. My 19 rogue is collecting dust and my 10 twinks are just like "wtf, why aren't you playing me."

Gentlemen and Ladies, help me pick a class to twink at 19. I refuse to twink a hunter though :3
Warriors look really fun, and theres alot of diff things you can do with them, and they are one of the few classes that arent hated by all..except for the really good ones=p
Imo hunters are boring as hell, but to each his own I suppose. I have three rogues, one 19 twink, my main which i have been lvling thru pvp since lvl 39, where I had originally had him twinked( he should be lvl 70 by tonight, only a few bars off) , and a lvl 24 rogue i may turn into a 29 twink one day=p I LOVE rogues...but seeing as how u already have one, warrior sounds like a cool thing to try out, then you would have yourself a nice op clothy, a sneaky little rogue, and a lolspamstring warrior, you will nvr be bored! =)
Paladin .

When you're about to get bored, switch roles.
hmm... i had severe twinking ADD too. I rolled a bunch of twinks besides my main twink and changed it up everytime i got bored. Simple solution, get 20$ and grab a gram and a half of kush from ur friendly neighborhood dealer. Doesn't matter what twink your playing it'll be fun!

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