ITryhard said:
Im on Nesingwary, I want to kill people, I like all classes, It has to be horde, no race preferences, Ill spend 1200 gold and any irl money that I have to.
Welcome to the bracket
everyone is friendly here (as long as you don't roll a hunter)
You said you want to kill people? You have a few options: Rogue/Warr/mage/lock/shammy
Ret pallies suck, shadow priests suck, bal/feral druids suck, so i would not suggest one of these class/spec combinations unless you want to be "the underdog". Keep in mind the entire bg people will be like "omg lolretard is not disc!"
Rogues are a blast, the problem is you will not be BiS unless you have 2 shadowfangs, which are pretty hard to come by. Some go from 30k gold to $40 USD, so unlesss you want to pay a lot of money or remain close to BiS, i would not choose a rogue. (They are also commonly played)
Warriors are pretty underplayed, do a fairly decent amount of damage and have an AoE slow which can be very nice for peeling your flag carrier. Lots complain about how they got too big of a nerfbat-but i see a lot of people having fun with them. (Not too many play them)
Mages are pretty fun to play, you can choose from arcane and frost spec for whichever suits you.(both are viable) Mages do a lot of damage and can have a big impact on games, but to play it very well you have to be pretty good at it. (A moderate amount of people roll mages)
Locks are a pain in the ass coming from a rogue, if dot/dot/dot/fear run and repeat is your thing then locks are great. Rain of fire provides a great utility on defence and can prevent a rogue from getting the opener he wants on your FC. (Same amount as mages these days)
I guess you already have a shaman so i dont need to talk about them very much. I dont remember seeing a resto shammy so idk if they are viable. It seems enhancement does the same amount of damage as a rogue, you just get totems instead of stealth. And to be honest, with all the hunters running around, i would choose stealth. Ele has the knockback which can also be great on defence, keep in mind it has a 45 sec CD and the rest of the time you are hardcasting/dotting people. (More and more shammys these days, most of them pretty good at their class)
I hope my info has helped, good luck choosing your class, its all uphill from there
hope to see you in the gulch.