Want to know what is the best In Slot Gear for Fire mage.

I rolled as a fire mage for awhile, frost atm but I do miss 1k pyro crits lol the advice I give is you want about 20% crit rating reach this with the justice looms, head, chest, shoulder though I tend to use grand staff of Jordan as weapon for the hit rating boost. Other useful crit items are duraks wand and Stillwater signet. The rest is basic mage gear, I prefered running 2agms in bgs as you are gonna be standing still taking punishment while casting so 120 more hp I found more useful than being able to avoid a hoj now and then :p (use pvp trinket in arena though obv) for same reason you may want to put 7stam on boots rather than minor speed. But I advise having a pair with speed in bag for chasing efcs or being an fc. You want 15sp on bracers and 16sp on gloves to give your fireballs more punch.
Finally best thing I can advise for a firemage, roll a troll and macro lifeblood and berserk to your fireball and pyro spells, means you will always use them when off cd which will be alot and be like a rapid fire burst cannon of death!!! Hope this helped.
Amaru, or something, is a good goblin fire mage, with all of the 'of Fire Damage' items try to look him up.
Also I would go with 20 fire damage on gloves instead of 16 SP, because you will mostly be casting fire spells :p
When I play fire I'm going 100% for fire spellpower gear, I have around 800 hp and 1,2k+ pyroblasts.
more useful than being able to avoid a hoj now and then :p
You do know you can blink stuns right?
yea but then how am i supposed to blink in to the other team?
predict the stun and face the other way :<?

edit: plus if you're in blink range of the other team they will kill you in seconds anyway (hunters) lol
I was reffering to the sarcasm you missed in my original post but yes indeed I speak great American :)
o.0 you must be SO SKILLLEEDDDEDDD.

anywho i have been putting in some hours on my fire mage and i dont eaven have a max fire sp set with ~800 hp.
i find that -in the long run- haste works out really nice,
i have srsly poly'd mages cus thye were trying to poly me, less cast time on them long ass fire spells, fast frost bolt for that extra cc < crit/dmg set's

limpkey in sig.
so you speak Indian then?
no, that would mean he lived in india. I think you are referring to the popular term for native americans: "Indians"
Native American languages mostly differentiated between tribes. For example the Dakota tribe speaks Dakota.
The Title says it all. I would look on the lvl 19 Armory but the 19 fire mage Camo looks like he missing alot fo good gear.

I'm listed under Frost not Fire....

If you want a fire set just throw on sp gear that you would normally use for arcane.
no, that would mean he lived in india. I think you are referring to the popular term for native americans: "Indians"
Native American languages mostly differentiated between tribes. For example the Dakota tribe speaks Dakota.

let me guess Comanche's speak Comanche?

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