Want to join our guild?

Jsu8, is easily confused what Mestuk is trying to say, I think, is what do you say when someone asks you to join their guild? I say " I am a trial account, otherwise I would be in a guild right now."
The best is when someone offers you 10 gold to sign their guild charter. I usually take it as an invitation to troll them. I'll respond by saying something like... "20 gold, up front..." and then the negotiations begin. Once had someone going for over an hour, even had people vouching for me as someone that could be trusted up front to follow through..
I once told someone who kept asking me to join their new guild that I couldn't because I was trial, then got abuse - "haha noob you're not a trial you have heirlooms, liar". Oh dear oh dear.

Same thing happened to me, sometimes even called me "haha u cant afford WoW" or "Poor no lifer"... its funny how ppl can be so ignorant and A-holes.
If they are around my level i tell them to duel me and if they win i will join
sometimes if they are way out of my level i tell them to do a series of silly tasks and then i will sign their charter, like bring me 5 wolf pelts and 3 red dyes or something dumb like that lol
Why be a jerk and make someone go do something or give them hope that if they do something then you will join? You know that will more then likely just make them mad if they do w/e and then try to inv you and find out you can't join. They are after all just trying to recruit for a guild..

If it's a spam msg that obviously goes out to everyone I normally ignore it but if it's someone who typed it up while seeing me somewhere then I say sorry I'm trial can't join guilds. If they follow up with any kind of stupid remark about trials ignore/block them?
Whether or not I respond usually depends how much thought/effort they put into their invite macro. There used to be some guy named Ned, I think, on Vashj Ally that had this long heartfelt message about working hard to build a guild from the ground up and making an honest living or something. He hit me with it a couple times, but I'd still politely respond.

Then there was this one...

I think my response was along the lines of "I just...I...I don't even know. What?". They had another fun fact macro that was equally dafuq?-inducing, didn't think to SS it though.

P.S. RIP Earthbind Totem D:
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Why be a jerk and make someone go do something or give them hope that if they do something then you will join? You know that will more then likely just make them mad if they do w/e and then try to inv you and find out you can't join. They are after all just trying to recruit for a guild..

If it's a spam msg that obviously goes out to everyone I normally ignore it but if it's someone who typed it up while seeing me somewhere then I say sorry I'm trial can't join guilds. If they follow up with any kind of stupid remark about trials ignore/block them?

I find most of the time the person I'm trolling takes it in good humor. Some people have even made lvl 20/24 twinks to play with me because of interactions like that. Like any telemarketer, most people doing it hate it too.

not everyone in the world has your lovable catty temper Lil <3
Jsu8, is easily confused what Mestuk is trying to say, I think, is what do you say when someone asks you to join their guild? I say " I am a trial account, otherwise I would be in a guild right now."

I said I say "huh?"
I correct their spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and grammar.
Aaaand another new feature goes into the addon.

I won't be seeing any more whispers from strangers mentioning either the words 'guild' or 'charter' :)

local response = "Trial accounts cannot join guilds or sign guild charters."

local f = CreateFrame("frame")


local function F2PGuild_FilterIncoming(self, event, ...)
    local msg, sender, _, _, _, flags = ...
    local f_num = GetNumFriends()
    local isafriend = 0
    for y = 1, f_num do
        local name, level, class, loc, connected, status = GetFriendInfo(y)
        if name == sender then
            isafriend = 1
    if (isafriend == 0) and (not msg:match(response)) and (msg:lower():match("guild") or msg:lower():match("charter")) and (F2PAddon_Variables.Settings.BlockGuildInviteWhispers == 1) then
        return true

local function F2PGuild_FilterOutgoing(self, event, ...)
    local msg = ...
    if msg:match(response) then
        return true
        return false

ChatFrame_AddMessageEventFilter("CHAT_MSG_WHISPER", F2PGuild_FilterIncoming)
ChatFrame_AddMessageEventFilter("CHAT_MSG_WHISPER_INFORM", F2PGuild_FilterOutgoing)

--I know the SendChatMessage() could have been called in the filter function above, that is practically identical to this,
--but for some stupid reason the filter gets triggered twice on an incoming message, so 2 whispes get sent, while this ensures that only one goes out
f:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, ...)
    if event == ("CHAT_MSG_WHISPER") then
        local msg, sender, _, _, _, flags = ...
        local f_num = GetNumFriends()
        local isafriend = 0
        for y = 1, f_num do
            local name, level, class, loc, connected, status = GetFriendInfo(y)
            if name == sender then
                isafriend = 1
        if (isafriend == 0) and (not msg:match(response)) and (msg:lower():match("guild") or msg:lower():match("charter")) and (F2PAddon_Variables.Settings.BlockGuildInviteWhispers == 1) then
            SendChatMessage(response, "WHISPER",nil, sender)
Last edited by a moderator:
Aaaand another new feature goes into the addon.

I won't be seeing any more whispers from strangers mentioning either the words 'guild' or 'charter' :)

local response = "Trial accounts cannot join guilds or sign guild charters."

local f = CreateFrame("frame")


local function F2PGuild_FilterIncoming(self, event, ...)
    local msg, sender, _, _, _, flags = ...
    local f_num = GetNumFriends()
    local isafriend = 0
    for y = 1, f_num do
        local name, level, class, loc, connected, status = GetFriendInfo(y)
        if name == sender then
            isafriend = 1
    if (isafriend == 0) and (not msg:match(response)) and (msg:lower():match("guild") or msg:lower():match("charter")) and (F2PAddon_Variables.Settings.BlockGuildInviteWhispers == 1) then
        return true

local function F2PGuild_FilterOutgoing(self, event, ...)
    local msg = ...
    if msg:match(response) then
        return true
        return false

ChatFrame_AddMessageEventFilter("CHAT_MSG_WHISPER", F2PGuild_FilterIncoming)
ChatFrame_AddMessageEventFilter("CHAT_MSG_WHISPER_INFORM", F2PGuild_FilterOutgoing)

--I know the SendChatMessage() could have been called in the filter function above, that is practically identical to this,
--but for some stupid reason the filter gets triggered twice on an incoming message, so 2 whispes get sent, while this ensures that only one goes out
f:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, ...)
    if event == ("CHAT_MSG_WHISPER") then
        local msg, sender, _, _, _, flags = ...
        local f_num = GetNumFriends()
        local isafriend = 0
        for y = 1, f_num do
            local name, level, class, loc, connected, status = GetFriendInfo(y)
            if name == sender then
                isafriend = 1
        if (isafriend == 0) and (not msg:match(response)) and (msg:lower():match("guild") or msg:lower():match("charter")) and (F2PAddon_Variables.Settings.BlockGuildInviteWhispers == 1) then
            SendChatMessage(response, "WHISPER",nil, sender)

Bless you Yasueh

Edit: and 1000 post. Never posting again.

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