Want to get into bracket. Few question

So I want to get into this bracket but I have a few questions first.

1) At first glance it looks like horde dominates this bracket population rise. Is this true?
2) How active are people? Not just with BGs but world pvp and other stuff?
3) What server are the most people on?
4) What classes/specs aren't viable?

If I have any more ill post them but for now this is it.
I am just getting back into 10 twinks and we had a great time yesterday doing wargames. From what i see it looks like horde is favored. People are very active again it looks like a lot of people are coming back. We are on a bunch of servers, it's cross realm so it doesn't really matter what server you are on. It looks like it is mainly Hellscream, Bleeding Hollow, Ghostland, Trollbane, Darkspear and Illidan. I'd say every class is viable from what it looks like I haven't seen much ww/mw monks or locks. If you go here this will probably give you a better answer http://www.twinkinfo.com/forums/f35/level-10-14-armory-thread-38614/ , http://www.twinkinfo.com/forums/f35/10-14-guild-directory-[us]-20239/
Also there may be other servers so please don't take offense anyone this is just from what i have seen on my first day back.
I am a guild leader on Illidan and i may start a twink guild here on Illidan. Or may transfer to Hellscream haven't decided yet.

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