Want to create a Resto Druid

Hi, me and some friends want to create ourselfes somekind of party for PVPing in each brackets. we ended up telling him that he was heal for the 39 bracket and he wanted the best heal, so i told him it was between a priest or a druid then. so he chose druid for its easyness in getting away in a pinch and thus surviving in order to bring more heals to the table.

now i've looked thru the site and haven't found anything gear related, i have found a lot of spec help and how to play the game, but not how to gear the said character.

can anyone please show me a 39 Resto Druid on which i could base myself off to help him create his character ?

thanks in advance.
Cruz from Republic of moldova

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Its not perfectly geared, as its a 3'rd alt, but it should give u and idea...
the boot chant was for balance spec, get Boars speed instead :) Same with the neck, get the all-rounder stat one instead I guess. The main thing you wan't to keep in mind is that druids are quite weak in comparison to purging healers, and can get dropped relatively easy if you fall behind or forget to prehot. The main reason I wen't with a bit more leather than cloth when I did gear that up a while ago.

Regarding the spec, imp HT was nice, no idea what the optimal druid spec is now. I see a few go into balance for 'Moonglow', but tbh percentages at this lvl are never that great, 9% of 150 or w.e, I'd rather go elsewhere for talents.

Hoped that helped.
choom said:
may seem weird, but i am more of a fan of something like this

character planner . fereal . chardev seven

imo the resto tree isnt very exciting nor useful beyond what i got (obviously NS and OoC are good, but not worth the points invested imo)

That would be an example of a feral druid. Which is not what he was looking for (yes many ferals gear eagle at this level). If you want to see a good example of a mediocre resto tree at this level check out shamans.

Choad- The need for spellpower depends heavily on what style of heal-spec resto you're playing. HT requires a lot less than hot-specc'd druids. As it is, I would say you're more sp geared than int or stats.
uhh, i play that primarily as a healer, sort of like a defensive spellhance for druids, off-dpsing in cat occasionally, and interrupting healers or w/e with charge and bash. Obviously your utility is not quite on par with that of shamans, but your are useful nonetheless, able to fill a variety of roles

pretty effective imo, and alot more fun

I admit its obviously not a pure healer setup, however its not really your typical feral either. As i said, i call it spellhance for druids, or ferheal (yea its corny, just couldnt come up with anything clever myself really)

Ultimately, i just wanted to give him another option and something to think about, if only to try a few times for himself to see if he likes it
The nice thing about a druid, is you can do so many different things with them.

You can go feral, with a side of heals. Balance with a side of heals. CC heavy with a side of heals. DPS. Or even act like it's a holy pally and only heal.

Currently, I am balance and do around 50% DPS / 50% Healing. This allows me to straight DPS when healing is good, straight heal when healing isn't so good, and/or toss HoT's and DoT's while I run around in circles.

So far, this is the most balanced (excuse the pun) setup I have ran with. It does very well in WSG, and has a lot of arena potential. Although, I suck at arena.

Be aware, you will have to create a lot of different gear sets to use a druid any way you want.

My current gear is that of the "Hot and DoT" in WSG. Short on HP and MP, but a lot of SP.

Other sets I have, Feral DPS set, Flag Carrier set, 10v10 healing set (Lots of stam), Nature Damage set (Puts my nature damage around 310ish), Starting arena set (weapons are enchanted for int), finishing arena set (weapons are enchanted for SP), and I am planning on building a few more sets. (Heavy int / crit sets)

A druid set that works well is feral specced with tons of int. This is primarily an arena setup. I have yet to try this out as I feel it does not fit my "play style."

Good luck with your druid. They are a very fun class to play.
i am leveling a druid thru the battlegrounds, i can say that my feral build up to now have been dpsing and healing quite sufficiently, in this case we're talking pure healer and i think the hots will be more then necessary for healing. then again the HT glyph makes things way easier for heals...

lots of maana we'll need cause we except to switch form a lot and heal a lot as well...

defense is not such a problem with druids because of travel form which can easily outrun the guys at your pursuit and gain you a bit of time to back your friends up, not to mention that if they all go back to you, then you just run out and your friend can kill without having the enemies on them.

i think a good balanced set of stam/int/SP would be good, if its possible to go, but i agree that having more sets might make things a bit better.

in all cases i thank you guys for all the infos, i'll be making research with those setups.

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