Twink Info Legend
All spots were reached without help from higher level with flying mounts or such.
Newmans landing is a quiet little place on the outside of Dun Morogh, it is easiest reached by swimming north from stormwind, fatigue shouldn't be a problem.
Shrine of the fallen warrior. This is the memorial site of Michel Koiter(1984-2004), a blizzard devoloper that died of unknown heart failure in 2004. This shrine is located southwest of The Crossroads and shouldn't be a problem to find.
This is from my visit to the Dwarven farm on the eastern coast of the Arathi Highlands.
The easist way to get here is to jump off the bridge where Arathi Highlands meet Wetlands and then swim from there.
These are my pictures coming from my journey to the place of origin were legend says that once a month a rare vendor spawns for 30 minutes selling a BoE Swift Bengal Tiger.
Getting here is not easy but is quite rewarding once you get there due to the landscape of this hidden oasis behind the Zul'Gurub instance. I will do my best to describe my journey to this place.
I started off in Booty Bay and moved up to through Stranglethorn Vale and Duskwood and through Deadwind Pass into the Swamps of Sorrows.
From the Swamps of Sorrows I made my way into Blasted Lands and from there into the far deep corners of this high level zone. I died in this zone quite alot. Once you manage to get yourself into the southwest corner of The Tainted Forest you will see a change in the landscape and you get zoned into Northern Stranglethorn instead of Blasted Lands, but don't relax yet. Once you get here you need to jump up the wall of this little area. After you have made your way up your free to discover these oasises and waterfalls or make your try to test out the legend of the Bengal Tiger.
Looking back into the Blasted Lands.
Waterfall and the wall of Zul'Gurub.
Other side.
Looking out at the sea.
A small lake inside this hidden place.
From the backside of the lake, near the cave.
Bengal Tiger Cave.
Some more pictures of this area.
This is the second shrine I visited.
The shrine of Anthony Stark, who died in 2005, also of heartfailure.
This shrine is located near the cave of Dun Garok in Hillsbrad Foothills
While Anthony Stark was not a devoloper of the game himself, he was a friend of a few devolopers and they dedicated this shrine to him.
The dwarf kneeling infront of the gravestone was Anthonys character in WoW and will always be there.
Next up is a diffrent location that may be unknown to many.
Just north of Goldshire there is a little house with a leatherworking trainer and a skinning trainer downstairs.
But if you go upstairs the music will quickly change from the Elwynn Forest music to something that would fit better in a horror movie.
These six children will spawn at around in the morning and walk around Elwynn Forest and return to the cottage later in the morning, if you are there at this time the voice of C'Thun (from AQ40) will whisper "Death Is Close".
They will then despawn slowly during the night. There has been many rumours about what happends here during halloween and on Friday the 13th.
The amount of open graves matches the amount of children...
Faldir's Cove is located behind the Stromgarde Keep in Arathi Highlands and is a place not often visited.
Table Of Content
Page 1
Post 1
1.Newmans Landing
2.Shrine of the Fallen Warrior
3.Dwarven Farm of Arathi Highlands
4.Bengal Tiger Cave
5.Tony Stark Memorial
6.Goldshire Children
7.Faldir's Cove
Post 2
8.Ironforge Airport
9.Dwarven Farm of Wetlands
10. Crypt Of Conan
11. Thousand Needles Goblin Joyroom
12.Dun Morogh Tree
Post 3
13.Lake Dumont
14. Ezra Phoenix
15. Dak Krause
16. The Dead Hunters Camp
17. In Loving Memory
18. Elwynn Falls
Post 4
19. Bath'rah the Windwatcher
20.Ravenholdt Manor
21. Reislek's Ghost
22. Ortell's Hideout
23. Jar Of Ashes
24. More Of Dun Morogh
25. Bambina
26. Hugh Glass
27. Hatch of Lost
Post 5
28. Invincible
29. Beggar's Haunt and The Unknown Soldier
30. Karazhan Smiley
31. Ironforge Mountain Cave
32. Stonetalon Tauren Hut and Smoking Pipe.
33. Forrest Gumps
33. Isle of Dread
34. Feralas Mountains (Class Dependant)
Post 6
35. Cut Throat Alley
36. Wetlands Mountains
37. Steamwheedle Port
Post 7
38Steamwheedle Port
39. Nagrand Memorial
40. SW Sewer Beast
41. Keltus Darkleaf
42. Another pop culture reference
43. The Statue of Liberty
44. Secret Floor of Undercity
45. Undercity Top Tier
Post 8
46. Elven Ruins
47. Brambleblade Ravine
48. Mulgore Critter War
49. Abandoned Tauren Hut and lake in the mountains.
50. Stonetalon Logging Camp and Silithus Tauren Farm (Not available on Live Servers)
Post 9
51. Quel'thalas
52. South Sea Islands
53. Andrestrasz
Post 10
54. Whispering Forest
55. Stonetalon fun
56. Ortell's Hideout
57. More Stonetalon Fun
Page 2
Post 1
58. Dalaran Sewer Arena.
59. Mulgore tauren hut and cave.
60. The Karazhan Crypt
61. Floorboard babies
Post 2
62. Old Outlands
63. Naz'anak: The Forgotten Depths
64. The Darkness of Duskwood.
65. Gallywix Pleasure Palace.
Post 3
66. The Steam Pools.
67. The Underwater Goblin village of Tanaris.
68. The Horizon Scout
Post 4
Coming Later?
Newmans landing is a quiet little place on the outside of Dun Morogh, it is easiest reached by swimming north from stormwind, fatigue shouldn't be a problem.

Shrine of the fallen warrior. This is the memorial site of Michel Koiter(1984-2004), a blizzard devoloper that died of unknown heart failure in 2004. This shrine is located southwest of The Crossroads and shouldn't be a problem to find.

This is from my visit to the Dwarven farm on the eastern coast of the Arathi Highlands.
The easist way to get here is to jump off the bridge where Arathi Highlands meet Wetlands and then swim from there.

These are my pictures coming from my journey to the place of origin were legend says that once a month a rare vendor spawns for 30 minutes selling a BoE Swift Bengal Tiger.
Getting here is not easy but is quite rewarding once you get there due to the landscape of this hidden oasis behind the Zul'Gurub instance. I will do my best to describe my journey to this place.
I started off in Booty Bay and moved up to through Stranglethorn Vale and Duskwood and through Deadwind Pass into the Swamps of Sorrows.
From the Swamps of Sorrows I made my way into Blasted Lands and from there into the far deep corners of this high level zone. I died in this zone quite alot. Once you manage to get yourself into the southwest corner of The Tainted Forest you will see a change in the landscape and you get zoned into Northern Stranglethorn instead of Blasted Lands, but don't relax yet. Once you get here you need to jump up the wall of this little area. After you have made your way up your free to discover these oasises and waterfalls or make your try to test out the legend of the Bengal Tiger.
Looking back into the Blasted Lands.

Waterfall and the wall of Zul'Gurub.

Other side.

Looking out at the sea.

A small lake inside this hidden place.

From the backside of the lake, near the cave.


Bengal Tiger Cave.

Some more pictures of this area.
This is the second shrine I visited.
The shrine of Anthony Stark, who died in 2005, also of heartfailure.
This shrine is located near the cave of Dun Garok in Hillsbrad Foothills
While Anthony Stark was not a devoloper of the game himself, he was a friend of a few devolopers and they dedicated this shrine to him.
The dwarf kneeling infront of the gravestone was Anthonys character in WoW and will always be there.

Next up is a diffrent location that may be unknown to many.
Just north of Goldshire there is a little house with a leatherworking trainer and a skinning trainer downstairs.
But if you go upstairs the music will quickly change from the Elwynn Forest music to something that would fit better in a horror movie.

These six children will spawn at around in the morning and walk around Elwynn Forest and return to the cottage later in the morning, if you are there at this time the voice of C'Thun (from AQ40) will whisper "Death Is Close".
They will then despawn slowly during the night. There has been many rumours about what happends here during halloween and on Friday the 13th.

The amount of open graves matches the amount of children...
Faldir's Cove is located behind the Stromgarde Keep in Arathi Highlands and is a place not often visited.

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