Video Tutorial: Farming Revelosh Solo as a rogue

Thank you, i already did this 16 times since yesterday, got my shoulders thanks to you! ;)

Still waiting for the gloves to pop, i hope it won't take 200 runs like you..

Delthar said:
You should be able to kill revelosh as a 39 twink no matter what class execpt maybe warrior tbh.

I've made a few solo runs at Rev on my prot war since 3.2 and it's not difficult. Just takes a bit more time.

I hadn't looked up a solo farming guide for him before so I just killed everything on the way in, no wallwalking or skipping loose mobs that might aggro if i lost a runner. Instead of a 2 min farm, he was a 20 :D

My gear isn't ideal, but it was sufficient and no need for pots.
sap oracle, garrote rev, hemo, kick lightning, hemo to 5, rupture, evasion, hemo to dead (throw an S&D here if you like), blind add, loot, vanish, repeat.
Hey Lulimalion, heres a good chance to say good arenas to you =). Very nice video , I will be following this video on my rogue once im up to farming gloves/shoulders.
must be nice to be a rogue.

While you can solo it on any class, it takes a good amount of time with some of them.

We 3manned it and were going just as fast as a lot of 80s ive had run me (2xpally 1xshammy....pallys aggro instance, shammy heals if needed...kill rev run out repeat)
Since 3.2 me and a few other twinks have actually been doing some twink instancing. We've completed Zul'farrak, Uldaman, Razorfen Kraul and next were gonna try Maraudon :p.
If anyone's making a rogue and needs Vanquisher's Sword (and possibly Coldrage Dagger), the last boss in RFD is soloable too...just make sure to bring pots/bandages, he's a lot tougher than Revelosh

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