Video Tutorial: Farming Revelosh Solo as a rogue

I'm going to guess Sap Healer, attack Reve, Blind other one, evasion spam?


P.S. Do it as a feral druid and I will be very impressed :)
Its more the fact that you can do this that people should be aware of, XP off remember^^, did 300 runs with my rogue to get the gloves the other day. It really isn't hard but had been running along with another main until he pointed out that I could solo it.

I think i will post up a video then on how to solo revelosh as a shammy or druid. Druid is simple just stealth there and abuse the pillers. Shaman is a little trickery and takes longer time but you have to use the edges on the wall to get to revelosh. As shammy you have to kill 2 packs of mob but it's eazy with the edge that make the mobs go evade. Will post a video on both once i have got it all under control without doing some noobish wipes :p

You should be able to kill revelosh as a 39 twink no matter what class execpt maybe warrior tbh.
I had a go the other day on my feral druid, got him really low then tarded out and missed the healer one healing Reve. By the time I got him on low health again I was OOM and dead.

Will try again when I have lifeblood - I'm sure that makes it a lot easier not having to switch to caster form at crucial moments.

a druid just needs to kill the pack of three...but that is not a prob.

btw, a video guide on this is a lil too much imo. three words and one advice should do the trick:

stealth/CC/vanish - do not act like a brainless squirrel

if you use bleed early and then use a 1pt kidney for the first bolt you won't get any noticable dmg. using a mouseover gouge after the blind wears off grants you another seconds of CC on the melee. if you got some bandages with you, just sprint out till your HP drops too much and then vanish...a lot faster.

EZmode, nontwink rogues did this all the time.
Xailter said:
I had a go the other day on my feral druid, got him really low then tarded out and missed the healer one healing Reve. By the time I got him on low health again I was OOM and dead.

Will try again when I have lifeblood - I'm sure that makes it a lot easier not having to switch to caster form at crucial moments.


I see doing this as a NE druid easy just SM out aka lol vanish then go stealth sprint out.
I've been doing this since 3.2 on my rogue....all I do is sap the healer. You don't even need to blind the other. You could use your AB trinket, but you should be able to autoswing rev to death before you die even with the other beating on you. No need for bandaids, lifeblood, pots, etc.
Tensu said:
I see doing this as a NE druid easy just SM out aka lol vanish then go stealth sprint out.

You missed the bit where I tarded out on bashing the healer and it cost me the kill. I know it's doable, I just haven't attempted since then (I have my Reve gear already). Reve is the major damage dealer, I'd just HoT it and kill the others tbh.

Well i think it's a very good vid! Ty
pier said:
You think a mage could do it? Assuming I spec frost..

ye you know the cave with baelog outside there is a edge at the wall. If you stand at that edge the mobs will evade. SO first you run there just runnign and frezzeing and hopeing that you dont die :p Up there you let all the packs run away execpt the one you will aggro. Kill that pack one by one simply by jumping down and kill one then jump up. When that pack is done you got one more pack to kill before the boss. Hmm i have to show a movie to show you how it works :p Will put the movie up tommrow.

Originally Posted by scytale View Post

You don't even need to blind the other.

It makes it easier IMO.


Originally Posted by scytale View Post

You could use your AB trinket,

Not to mention evasion


Originally Posted by scytale View Post

No need for bandaids, lifeblood, pots, etc.

Kind of why I didn't mention them..

I wasn't replying directly to you and never quoted you. Was replying in general to the thread. All I was trying to say is that it is easy for any rogue to do without using any CDs other than vanish (at the end). You can do it in less time than it takes to get all your CDs back anyways, so no need to wait for them.
Nice clear video for one... But killing revelosh as a rogue is so simple its kinda the same as making a video to show people where the AH is in SW :/

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