[Video]Nightfall 39's Promotional Video.

dusky said:
rofl, what. 39s is a cesspool of imbalance; retarded keyboard turning hunters two shot everything, everybody has a catch-all recovery card with bandages making major mistakes insignificant. to say 39 is more fun than 80 is, for some, correct; but to say it's more balanced, or balanced period, is just wrong and dumb.

Elemental shamans and marks hunters would like to have a word with you. There aren't nearly as many burst healing abilities available at 39 than 80, and sure, bandages are good if you aren't dotted or being hit.

Looks like someone hasn't heard the term 'WOTLK'D'.
dusky said:
  • a lot of bandage is overheal; at most 4 of the 8 ticks are used unless you're in stam gear
  • correctly timing the bandage between dot ticks can grant you 1450 to 2175 HP in 2 to 3 seconds.
  • 4 ticks of bandage is 2900 hp over 4 seconds, which is, for me, 116% of my health. what at 80 heals 29% of your HP per sec?

simply, the way i see it is you make a massive mistake, then JUST KIDDING get a 100% heal in 4 seconds. who even needs to play correctly when you can get a clean slate every minute?

bandies make the match last longer and makes the class gap a little smaller, and make the game more about who can time cd's/force another guy to use his cd's/use terrain to the better advantage than the other guy.

Low level brackets bring the nuances of pvp to light, whereas the higher you go and the more abilities you have, the more it becomes about mashing which button when and ToT. terrain and resets dont come into play.

As much as people laugh at the notion, lower level brackets DO take SOME skill to play, because with resets the metagame CAN be alot larger (albeit simpiler) than it is at endgame.
Don't worry, that's just Dusknoir the ******' retard from Shadowpriest.com and ArenaJunkies.com - Don't feed the troll, he's terribad...

39 is:

1) Awesome

2) More Balanced, the mitigation on Damage / Health Pools are pretty much what Cataclysm is going to be like

3) Just cos you can't stack haste per point to balance your skill @39

And the mistake bit? You either die or you get killed at 80 - the window is just about 1/5th of the time, and at 39 the fights are actually a lot of fun, so much so that I'm focussing more on twinking at the moment than even bothering chars on my US account... In short; 39 twinking is pretty similar to what Blizzard has in mind for Cataclysm, fairly focused small scale balanced and competative PvP without 1shotting zergs (FTW?)

Also as a side note; Boostz, you're easily the best thing to com out of Australia in a long long time (Hate to admit it as a Kiwi...)


- Praiz / Lavawerk / Desphira
Agreed... Blizz will almost certainly make the game terrible, it could be so awesome but no, also, making the Rated BG's work in all level ranges would be fun, if we could have proper teams at 39 etc brackets it could make for something pretty fun :)

- Well, we can always hope it's BAWS (And we'll get Worgens, that's gotta be worth twinking) =]
dusky said:
in my admittedly very brief ventures in 39s, there were at most 2 players who would get anywhere near gladiator-level ratings at 80, and i'm fairly certain they know who they are. the vast majority, on the other hand, were key turning horribles who occasionally managed to win despite being vastly outplayed either because of stupid hunter damage, lack of mana regen or drinking, or ease of resetting with AGM and bandage. similarly, there were wins we just didn't deserve that we got only because we managed to land burns against a target who, from that point on, would be behind on mana with no way to regain it.

39s is about a billion times less balanced than 80, wotlking including. the only reason anybody will disagree with me is because i'm posting this on twinkinfo; try getting opinions on arena junkies or the official forums and you'll see my opinion is much more prevalent.

There are several Gladiators currently playing 39s, and many more that are 2400+, and even some i'm quietly confident would do extremely well at 80, if they tried. I myself started playing endgame arena in S8 for the first time, and playing with 2 39 friends, got 2400 PR (at 2600mmr) in 3's in the first 2 weeks, in full furious and the 1800 s7 dagger, as disc/enhance/mage. Which goes to show how silly 80 can be. Not that i didn't enjoy it, but it was painfully easy to see how badly pvp had regressed at endgame from lower level brackets. 39's has it's issues, but it is more balanced overall, than endgame at present. The other (incredibly funny) thing is that in alot of cases you actually use less main abilities at 80 than you do at 39 and in some cases can just ignore cc abilities and burst kill things, which you can almost never do at 39.

As for opinions, that's what they are, if you ask on a twink based site, ofcourse there will be bias. The exact same bias you'd see on AJ, but atleast we don't have the mouthbreathing retards that infests that place.

Edit: Oh and sorry for the extremely late reply, i've been busy.
Nice to hear that nightfall is the chosen one for 39s! (my fav bracket) I've been tiwnking nightfall since pre-BC, and I am returning to WoW.

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