[Video]Nightfall 39's Promotional Video.


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Edit: WCM Page (and stream) ATW:Nightfall 39's Promotional Video. By Rushz - World of Warcraft Movies

I'd just like to note that there are more 39 guilds than just those listed in the video, but for the sake of my sanity and time it was kept to a certain amount.

This is a recruitment/promotional video for the 39 bracket on the battlegroup: Nightfall. The footage was taken over 2 days of battlegrounds and arena. It is all in 3rd person, frapsed by me. I’m not the greatest cameraman in the world by far, but hopefully it’s good enough for watching. I want to stress again, the footage was taken in 2 days, this is normal for Nightfall, clips were not cherry picked or setup over weeks of time.

There’s a lot of text I left out of the video because I wanted to keep it visual. So here is a WoT Q&A.

Why did you make this video?

I made this video partly because I thought it was a good idea and because I hadn’t made a video in a while, and my editor side was itching for some use. However, my main drive to make this video was infact, frustration. I was frustrated over the biased and stereotypical view given to ‘twinks’. I’ve no doubt that once, there were twinks who geared solely to outgear and trash lowbies. I sympathize with those who disliked twinks because of those bad apples. But that’s what they were, bad apples, and they no longer exist. Those that still twinked, did it for the same reason they always did. Nightfall currently thrives with xp-off bgs. Twink v twink is how we always wanted it to be.

What were those reasons?

There are many reasons people twink. Some people don’t have the time to invest into endgame or leveling. Some twink because of friends or because they want to try something different. And some, like myself, play both 39s and endgame, and wouldn’t give one up for the other. I’m not here to try to convince you 39s is better than endgame; both have their highs and lows. I’m simply trying to give you a better view to approach 39s, or twinking as a whole, as another avenue of the World of Warcraft.

But twinks are twinks because they couldn’t handle endgame right?

I suppose it would depend what you meant. Like I mentioned earlier, some simply don’t have the time to invest in endgame, or some have played endgame and given up on the constant gear and ability overhauls. Some have no interest in the ‘scoring' of endgame pvp (arena ratings, rankings, etc). All twink for fun. However there are those that play both twinks and endgame with mains who compete in endgame arena at a high level

What do you enjoy about twinking?

What I love about twinking, is the honesty of it, people don’t pvp at 39 for arena ratings or gear, they pvp because they enjoy it. There is no arena elitism, you are not judged by your ratings. My other love of 39s is the community. We are all on the one battlegroup, and it’s like pre-xrealms; everyone knows each other, rivalries and friendships are made and it’s a strong friendly community because of it. I still love endgame as much and wouldn't give one up for the other.

So exactly how active is 39s?

We generally have 2x wsg games and arena pops going most of the day. As you can only queue 2 things, this generally leaves AB out of the loop and rarely sees pops outside of games setup on the forums.

How balanced is 39s?

Extremely. You won't get WOTLKD (globalled), talents are about right, and health pools are generally slightly higher than dps output, allowing for real fights and strategy to be put into play. We have a slight hunter problem, but that's just the class these days, certainly nowhere near as bad as 80. On the arena side, it's fantastic, almost any type of comp can be effective, though some certainly do shine above others.

Ok, I’m interested in making a 39, where do I start?

Simple, make a thread over on our bg forums,

Link - World of Warcraft - English (NA) Forums -> Nightfall

There’s also a sticky thread at the top listing our current guilds and whether they premade and are recruiting/funding. It’s also where new people who are after some information put their queries.

Link - World of Warcraft - English (NA) Forums -> The 39 PvP Bracket in Nightfall.

There’s a large alliance hub on Jaedenar, make a lvl 1 and join the chat channel /ahoy.

If you’re still not sure, or are wanting to get some information on gear/talents and the like, feel free to make a thread.

I hope this video and Q & A helps in understanding why we twink, and giving a clearer view on the subject as a whole.

Other 39 Recommended PvP Videos:

39 twink video compilation

My 74-77 Mage PvP Video:

Boostz Mage PVP III


Great work! Because people aren't going to stumble across XP-off battlegrounds by accident, and the only twinks they'll have exposure to are the ones beating up the XP-on battlegrounds, the XP-off twinking community needs PR like this to grow and thrive.

Thank you for doing this.

post this in the other brackets imo
Auctually made me interested in 39's :)
Eliot said:
Auctually made me interested in 39's :)

Didd you just see it? I cant stream it, looks to me like the whole damn website has crashed. If you got some magic skills, share!:)
Hurpdurp said:
I blame John.

I dont know what happened at 49.

As a rogue, dueling/playing with/ against probably every rogue in the bracket in the months before the end, I can safely say he did not kill 39. He was actually one of the active ones and one of the best rogues.

Whats with all the hate anyways, that's the thing that kills
It would have been nice to have non-blurry premade screenshots...if concerned about not posting the score, zoom in so it just shows names/servers and the basic stats
Well it was more in that for anyone not 39, (which is what the movie is for), watching plain premade screenshots would be pretty boring, atleast imo. Put it down to my love of over-editing.
Boostz said:
Well it was more in that for anyone not 39, (which is what the movie is for), watching plain premade screenshots would be pretty boring, atleast imo. Put it down to my love of over-editing.

True, watching plain premade screenshots would be pretty boring. But slightly more entertaining than watching blurred premade screenshots where you can't even tell what clans are playing.

But I'm just kind of nitpicking. Besides the blurry screenshot part, I enjoyed the vid. Kind of makes me want to play 39's.

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