[Video] Nautilus - 19 Shaman

i also got doesnt exsist when trying to use the vimeo stream. id try the other stream but i dont want to install the viewer.
hey there kavorkie! i havent seen you on, where you been?

and gomar, if you are still interested in playing 19s, rum will be more than happy to fund you something. we are a bit strapped on good players since 3.1.
sure, wheres your shaman at?

and I'm still looking for critique!
hey ive been online late at night these last few weeks. ive been kinda busy in the afternoons. but plus side is lately the late night bgs have been much more coordinated than the afternoon ones usually are. im gonna try and be on in the afternoons more this week so hopefully i'll see ya then.

oh and i liked the vid. watched it at work though so i need to take another look when im not paranoid
I'm not sure why there are so many negative comments. I watched fulling expecting to be disappointed. It even started with him clicking remove poison. So I expected it to totally suck and was surprised it really wasn't that bad. In fact I use some of the same techniques you do. You fight hunters in the exact same style I do, and honestly find that the healing --> flame shock is all you really need while running in for melee whenever possible. You do a good job of keeping up lightning shield for most of the fights. At times we all forget to reapply, and in general you have it up a god bit.

Sure some of the fights were less then exciting and against less than skilled opponents, but the music actually seemed to fit the fights well, and I can't fault you even if they are songs I may or may not like.

How are the new nerfs treating you? Judging by the gear in the video you probably took a decent hit in stats.
Phantom said:
I included him because it lasted more than 30 or so seconds (90% of filmed people didn't) and he's kinda-sorta a "name" in Ruin.

And yes, it was an excellent game, Goma.

Pallynator, I respect your ranking, but I'd also ask you to take a look at the other shaman videos out on YouTube. They are terrible. I think Ghostshock and myself have the only two half decent ones out there.

Edit: I used licensed Fraps for all my recording. Its not free but it works great. I record at 30 FPS, but you need a very good computer to do that.

I realize that, I thought you wanted criticism on your video alone, not relative to alternative videos. I play a 19 shaman as well, and after watching the video for the skill involved, etc. that is what I thought.
Phantom said:
Says it doesn't exist anymore.

Anyway, I'm looking for more constructive comments. I know the fights weren't top notch (I knew that when I posted it), but I'm looking for thoughts on the other aspects.

1. How was the music? I know its a little offstream but I think it fits well and definitely isn't overused.

2. Did it go together well? Did anything stick out badly as being "out of place?"

3. What was your overall impression?

Answers to these would be appreciated.

Honestly I think the RP at the beginning was annoying, although well done. I think more than just 1v1 arena is good, including 3v3/5v5. Well edited, poor opponents. I think if you find better matches it will be a tremendous improvement.
For ^

Phantom said:
I included him because it lasted more than 30 or so seconds (90% of filmed people didn't) and he's kinda-sorta a "name" in Ruin.

And yes, it was an excellent game, Goma.

Pallynator, I respect your ranking, but I'd also ask you to take a look at the other shaman videos out on YouTube. They are terrible. I think Ghostshock and myself have the only two half decent ones out there.

Edit: I used licensed Fraps for all my recording. Its not free but it works great. I record at 30 FPS, but you need a very good computer to do that.

Read thread please.
clicking remove poison

I noticed this too. That is a very old clip, probably from mid November-ish. You can easily see that my stuff wasn't keybound or anything, but the next clip is my more recent keybindings and whatnot.

I actually only used it because it was one that I could cut to whatever size I wanted and still be okay.

And thanks again Pallynator, your comments are appreciated. Like I said, I wish I could have had better opponents, but since 3.1 I have gone against maybe two people that were memorable, MAYBE. Just far too difficult, and I wanted to go ahead and release it.

Also, as for the nerfs, the hunter fight was in all 3.1 gear. It dropped me 35ish spellpower, and 400 or so HP, but I actually find it easier to kill things now, especially rogues.
I checked your armor and was wondering why you had +50 health on your chest instead of +4 stats.
In the midst of finding someone who can do it. Its not supposed to be rare but so far I can't find anyone.
yea.. my main is actually an enchanter and I went through the trouble of farming the formula in BRS
dang, so is it really that hard to get?
when people start playing

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