[Video] Nautilus - 19 Shaman

Hey guys.

Well, here it is, the pre-release version of my shaman video.

The fights are a bit lacking, but after 3.1 came out the number of people in arena dropped so sharply I wasn't able to get one good game all week.

Still, I think its still enjoyable. There isn't any fancy animation or anything yet, but thats to come in the full version.

So please, leave constructive comments here and on its YouTube.

Without further adieu, I present:

Nautilus - 19 Shaman

edit: Its also available in HD, click the little HD symbol on the bar to see it in better quality.
against the sham you didn't keep lightning shield up all the time

against the druid you probably shouldn't jump as you melee, this can allow him to easily slip away. it looked like you were in full control of the fight and should not have jousted him IMO.

against the hunter you should try to attack the pet as you chase the hunter down.

also i don't get why intros have to be so long >.<

overall it was pretty good though
Druiddroid said:
against the sham you didn't keep lightning shield up all the time

against the druid you probably shouldn't jump as you melee, this can allow him to easily slip away. it looked like you were in full control of the fight and should not have jousted him IMO.

against the hunter you should try to attack the pet as you chase the hunter down.

also i don't get why intros have to be so long >.<

overall it was pretty good though

true :/...oh well...it was still a pretty good vid to me >>... considering how bad everyone's twink videos are these days it was great. I actually found one twink video that recently that amazed me quite a bit. It was on wowmovies i think and it was a 19 priest ..i think it was called Plz Nerf Me..? idk you should check it out it was pretty amazing imo
No offense, but I found it to be carried by the editing. Good quality editing, but i'm not very impressed by the opponents, some decisions you make and other varying factors.

Phantom said:
Hey guys.

Well, here it is, the pre-release version of my shaman video.

The fights are a bit lacking, but after 3.1 came out the number of people in arena dropped so sharply I wasn't able to get one good game all week.

Still, I think its still enjoyable. There isn't any fancy animation or anything yet, but thats to come in the full version.

So please, leave constructive comments here and on its YouTube.

Without further adieu, I present:

Nautilus - 19 Shaman

edit: Its also available in HD, click the little HD symbol on the bar to see it in better quality.
am i in it
just watched it, you should have put that fight of me on my hunter and that priest vs shaman shaman
The fights are a bit lacking, but after 3.1 came out the number of people in arena dropped so sharply I wasn't able to get one good game all week.

I queued up for almost a month, and those were essentially the only ones I filmed that were decent. It didn't look like the quality of competition would get any better, so I went ahead and released it. Still, I appreciate the comments.

Hi Goma =). Sorry I didn't have you in, but I didn't film any of the 2v2s. Maybe next time though.
I laughed so hard at the paladin 1v1, doesnt know how to fake cast, bop on a shaman, dispell, agm dispell, fails, Win?

=D nice video mate

Goma do you even go to this school? =P
I laughed so hard at the paladin 1v1, doesnt know how to fake cast, bop on a shaman, dispell, agm dispell, fails, Win?

I included him because it lasted more than 30 or so seconds (90% of filmed people didn't) and he's kinda-sorta a "name" in Ruin.

And yes, it was an excellent game, Goma.

Pallynator, I respect your ranking, but I'd also ask you to take a look at the other shaman videos out on YouTube. They are terrible. I think Ghostshock and myself have the only two half decent ones out there.

Edit: I used licensed Fraps for all my recording. Its not free but it works great. I record at 30 FPS, but you need a very good computer to do that.
Being a shaman myself, I only found the hunter fight impressive. Druids and Pallies are a piece of cake and you outgeared that shaman quite a bit, at least for arenas anyway.

I liked the video overall anyway and I liked the little WSG part. The editing was good and I can see that you are a good shaman by the way you move and use your spells.


Get some better opponents and you could get a 10/10 although shamans do have a pretty big class advantage. I would like to see a fight against a good warrior cause a warrior is good against a shaman if they know how to shield bash and not get kited.
Thats why I put it in quotes lol.

thats where the video is...i must say that priest definitely knew what he/she was doing and the opponents are pretty good in most the scenarios. At most there are a couple flaws but when you have a game camera going , your speed is guarenteed to go at least a little slower - but overall i think its one of the best vids of seen for twinks. Hope you guys think the same.
Says it doesn't exist anymore.

Anyway, I'm looking for more constructive comments. I know the fights weren't top notch (I knew that when I posted it), but I'm looking for thoughts on the other aspects.

1. How was the music? I know its a little offstream but I think it fits well and definitely isn't overused.

2. Did it go together well? Did anything stick out badly as being "out of place?"

3. What was your overall impression?

Answers to these would be appreciated.

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