[VIDEO] LEVEL 19 3on3 Arenas / Windwalker Monk



With mop i started playing monk because i lost the interest in playing rogue. I also dont uploaded any videos for a while..
But a few days ago Anarchism, Sashagreyirl, Stubs, Vianco, Zimt and me had some good wargames :) I play monk here but still dont have my agm :p

As always i tried my best with editing. But i'm really bad :D
I hope you like watching it ! Heres the link! :)

Nzzr - 19 Windwalker Monk // 3v3 Arena - YouTube

BTW: We need more premades in EU! TL is looking for any premades... I also looking forward for more arena / better warsong games. Also we want to play with more different players :)

Contact Vianco, Stubs or Anarchism if you're interested in good and intense games!
Re: LEVEL 19 3on3 Arenas / Windwalker Monk

Probably should have made this an EU thread instead of US+EU.
Re: LEVEL 19 3on3 Arenas / Windwalker Monk

Probably should have made this an EU thread instead of US+EU.


on topic: very nice vid eu
Very nice video quality of opponents and mates was awesome hope EU will get premades soon. Undead move so swag seriously :D

Had to watch it, not only for the fact that 19s videos are always worth a watch, but also because I have no idea how Windwalkers work :D Great video with gud clipz, I love the flying kick into fists of fury for KB, also dat nova dodging

Keep up ze good works
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Had to watch it, not only for the fact that 19s videos are always worth a watch, but also because I have no idea how Windwalkers work :D Great video with gud clipz, I love the flying kick into fists of fury for KB, also dat nova dodging

Keep up ze good works

I'll try my best! Thanks for the feedback dude :) I hope the next video i make will have some better quality... Im thinking about uploading 1 whole warsong game as a monk soon...

great vid and fun to see some monks in 19 bracket. You did a great job dmg wise and nice fists of fury stuns!
Btw gratz on that agm :D

thanks! And another thanks :D was about time that i get it...

i liked the warrior :D

we all did!
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wow zenon comment nazzr video, he is a big fan since u started making twinks vids, nice ! wow
As others have already stated, you got Zenon's co sign on this, great job!
Not sure if brewmaster or windwalker? I seem to pull off more damage as brewmaster

damage of brewmaster isn't bad yeh.. and that mainstyle from brewmasters hit pretty hard. But windwalker provides great mobility and more fun gameplay imo :D

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